All Blog Posts (397)

Government Trolls on the internet

Some more documents stolen by Snowden and published by Greenwald follow. They detail the NSA's plans for disrupting the enemies of the State.

Added by Joseph William Gabriele on February 26, 2014 at 7:53am — No Comments

Thomas Jefferson on Debt and the Federal Bank

President Jefferson saw the evil in public debt and and paper money and expressed as follows

"If the debt which the banking companies owe be a blessing to anybody, it is to themselves alone, who are realizing a solid interest of eight or ten per cent on it. As to the public, these companies have banished all our gold and silver medium, which, before their institution, we had without interest, which never could have perished in our hands, and would have been our salvation now in…


Added by Joseph William Gabriele on February 12, 2014 at 12:23pm — No Comments

GM cronies take bailout and Sell out to China

It is about nine minutes and will raise your blood pressure but watch it anyway...


When I was a kid it was "duck and cover" because the Russians were going to nuke us. Now the Marxists (BO and the Dems) have invited the Chinese to come in and take over.

Added by Joseph William Gabriele on January 31, 2014 at 2:10pm — No Comments

A Simple Summary of Obama's Abuse of the Constitution

While the Democrats and the state run media are focused every single waking minute on whether Chris Christie caused a traffic jam, here is just a simple overview of Obama's daily assault on the Constitution.

Added by Marc Zarlengo on January 14, 2014 at 5:38pm — No Comments

South Carolina Tea Party Meeting January 18-20, 2014

This is a very important tea party meeting. One of the speakers is General Vallely, who is fast becoming an outstanding tea party advocate.  The event is live streamed.  Click on link below to tune in.  J. Waters

 Sign up to watch the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition convention LIVE…


Added by John J. Waters on January 10, 2014 at 4:37pm — No Comments

Need Help W/Radio Show Name

IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE HELP!! I need everyone's input/opinion. Randy has been offered his own morning AM Talk Radio Show on KLZ, starting this coming Monday (5am - 7am). We are looking for a name for the show, and I've come up with 38 possibilities. I've received already many votes on them, and would love to continue this in public. Would you all PLEASE response with the corresponding number to the title (or titles) that stand out to you? AND, if you…


Added by Tana Corporon on December 31, 2013 at 3:52pm — No Comments

Something Coming in January

I have heard that in January when congress is starting to argue over extending the pay to jobless America and raising the minimum wage that Obama and Attorney Eric Holder are working on passing a Federal law to allow all Federal prisoners to be able to vote in the next election. This way he does not have to worry about passing any amnesty bill which the republicans will not budge on. I suggest we all contact our…


Added by Philip Henderson on December 30, 2013 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Rand’s Detroit Vision: A Blueprint for Humiliating the Left

Rand Paul wants to save Detroit.  After watching decades of failed Democrat governance and President Obama’s disastrous bailout, Senator Paul is proposing a Kemp-style fix through his “Freedom Plan.”


Quoting Senator Paul on Sean Hannity’s show:



Added by Andy Peth on December 8, 2013 at 3:34pm — 2 Comments


Want to make sure everybody knows, NO DECEMBER ARAP TEA PARTY MEETING!. Next meeting is January 14, 2014. US Senate candidate Owen Hill will be among our guests. 

Merry Christmas! Don't forget the AFP appreciation night party on our regular December meeting evening, 12/10. Let's all meet there?!…


Added by Randy B Corporon on December 7, 2013 at 2:32pm — No Comments

The Legacy of Senate Bill 200

Please check out my debut article in Common Sense News on the topic of Obamacare and the legacy of the SB200 bill that imposed a state-run Obamacare exchange on the People of Colorado. A new court case in Oklahoma shows us yet another reason why SB200 was a terrible idea.!november-why-do-we-have-holidays/ckal

Added by Marc Zarlengo on December 5, 2013 at 8:53am — 1 Comment

Fraud issue in the ACA ("Obamacare") explained--watch out

There is an element of fraud built into the healthcare act ("Obamacare") that has not received much attention yet.  People who receive subsidies on the insurance exchange should be aware that if there is an error in the amount of the subsidy that person will be held responsible even though there was a direct payment to an insurance company.  There was a mention about this quite a while ago but not an explanation of how it worked.  This article does a reasonable job of…


Added by W. Branstetter on November 14, 2013 at 12:27am — No Comments

Great meeting last night

It was the first meeting I  have attended since joining and it was good to see over 100 people standing up for freedom. Many things were discussed including the Recall Hudak which when I got home I  saw on Channel 9 a report on the robo calls the creeps were putting out in Westminster to tell people not to talk or sign anything because it was all false.  I was  shocked that 9 News would actually report on it. If you…


Added by Philip Henderson on November 13, 2013 at 10:59am — 2 Comments

Mac Slavo's article on White House corruption....very sobering.

Obama Secret Service Agent: “It’s Worse Than People Know… and I’m Not Trying to Scare You Either”

Mac Slavo

November 6, 2013

You may have your suspicions about what’s going on behind closed doors at the White House.

But according to one of President Obama’s former body guards it’s much worse than we can even imagine.

Dan Bongino has protected numerous Presidents over his career, including President Obama. He has been within ear-shot of many… Continue

Added by David Kelley on November 6, 2013 at 8:01am — No Comments

Sic Transit Gloria Individual Rights

Judge Napolitano on Fox. What if our rights were already gone?

Added by Joseph William Gabriele on November 4, 2013 at 8:13am — No Comments

Denver Post Joins Meltdown of the Left-Attacks Tea Party

Don't waste $2.00. But, if you happen to see a Sunday Denver Post Opinion section lining someone's bird cage or lying on top of a trash can free of the used diapers and cat litter most people wrap up inside, check out the assault on the Tea Party on page 3D, top and bottom.

Tells me one thing: The Left is terrified of, and has no idea how to handle, the fearless, fast-growing resistance to centralized, self-bankrupting government by those…


Added by Randy B Corporon on October 6, 2013 at 2:43pm — No Comments

A Plea For A One Day Strike on April 15, 2014

From time to time in history, governments have grown so ravenous in their theft of property and individual rights that a point is reached where it becomes necessary for people to decide whether to allow a continuing descent into slavery, or, to make known their utter disgust with the corruption of such government. America has reached that point.


Patience has marked American's actions for the past 123 years. They have individually gone about the business of survival in earning…


Added by Joseph William Gabriele on October 1, 2013 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Action Plan for week of 9/29/13 to Stop Obamacare

House to pass one-year Obamacare delay CR. Here's our action plan for next week. Back to the Senate we go....

Added by Randy B Corporon on September 28, 2013 at 7:26pm — 1 Comment

Response to Denver Post Editorial that Cruz "Fillibuster" was an Epic Fail

My "Tea Party" response to the Denver Post editorial calling the Cruz filibuster-type speech an "epic" failure (

"Dear Openforum:

As a Colorado native and proud 1960's Denver Post "paperboy," I was saddened, though not surprised, to see my first employer marginalize Ted Cruz and the T(axed)…


Added by Randy B Corporon on September 28, 2013 at 5:46pm — 2 Comments

Suffering with Hannity

I watched “Hannity” for a while the other night.   A very depressing show.  No, there weren’t any flood victims or post mortems on Detroit, as these would actually seem uplifting by comparison.   Flooded communities can rebuild.  Detroit can bulldoze its neighborhoods so there will be…well…fewer Detroit neighborhoods.  And of course, those stories feature great heroism and charity, like volunteers delivering truckloads of food to New Orleans, or unsung bulldozer operators erasing decades of…


Added by Andy Peth on September 15, 2013 at 3:47pm — 2 Comments

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