The Gateway Pundit has announced a web site that has information for the political prisoners [January 6] and related details.  See the article for links.

The Gateway Pundit Announces: AMERICAN GULAG - The Informational We...

American Gulag - Documenting government overreach following the Jan...

Note that Sidney Powell has her web sites and Defending the Republic is involved in a number of things including trying to help find attorneys for the prisoners and other topics.  Defending the Republic has a way to request their periodic newsletters (usually weekly or sometimes more often) for a variety of news items.

At American Greatness there is a journalist, Julie Kelly, who has been reporting regularly about what is happening with the prisoners.  Find all of Ms. Kelly's articles there including the current item below.

American Greatness › Next Generation Conservatism (

Joe Biden’s Political Prisoners › American Greatness (

Perhaps other people have found some resources, but the above seem most consistent at this time.

Hope this helps.  Also note that people are recommending to steer clear of protests in D.C. and just let the FBI and Antifa create their own havoc.

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