Arapahoe Tea Party

Mission Statement


To support the Constitution of The United States of America


To protect the Right of the citizenry to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


To speak constructively of today’s issues concerning the fiscally conservative electorate.


To celebrate our Country’s unifying traits before acknowledging vibrant diversity.


To restore pride in our Country’s strength by reducing governmental growth and its reckless, invasive incursions into our personal lives.


To protect The Unites States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic

Views: 68


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Comment by Joseph William Gabriele on May 13, 2012 at 8:16pm

Could the second line be amended to read: ...Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, and Private Property?

I believe Jefferson erred in not taking the right to own and trade property from George Mason's

Virginia Declaration of Rights published on June 12, 1776. See Article 1. I believe this right to be

equally as important as the others. 

Comment by Steven Haworth on May 3, 2012 at 10:07am

Something in here:

The Arapahoe TEA Party is a group organized to discuss the current issues of the day. We are primarily a conservative group, with an agenda of promoting Liberty, Freedom and a return to the Constitutional restraints established by our Founding Fathers. We generally are in disagreement with the socialist direction that our country is headed. We are opposed to the out of control spending that has plagued or economy, our way of life and has placed our Nation's future at risk.

Comment by W. Branstetter on April 16, 2012 at 11:55pm

Thank you, Kevin, for offering these.  I do like what you have listed.  I hope that someone will comment or offer suggestions for revising the "mission statement" for the web site.

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