All Blog Posts (397)

Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism

We had Professor Wolfram speak to us last Friday at Leadership Program of the Rockies. Simply brilliant, entertaining, and right! Thanks to Laurie Bratten for posting on Facebook so all can share. I'm re-posting as well. 

Here's the article: "Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism" By Gary Wolfram

William Simon Professor of Economics and Public Policy

Hillsdale College…


Added by Randy B Corporon on November 18, 2011 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Mark Levin's Keynote Speech at Americans for Prosperity's Washington DC Defending the American Dream Summit

Take 30 minutes and listen to perhaps the strongest voice for liberty, constitutionally limited government, the rule of law, property rights, opportunity and prosperity on the planet, Mark Levin, if you dare! If you watch carefully, you will see a brief shot of me around minute 28. Heck, that's worth watching for all by itself!!



Added by Randy B Corporon on November 12, 2011 at 1:12pm — 1 Comment

Video from Washington DC Occusquatters Unsuccessful Effort to Intimidate Peacefully Assembled Patriots

I was there. The video doesn't do it justice. The DC police were woefully inadequate. Gee, I wonder where their instructions are coming from?

Added by Randy B Corporon on November 12, 2011 at 1:05pm — No Comments

Defending the American Dream Summit

Dear Friends:


Winding down from the fabulous Defending the American Dream Summit at the Convention Center in Washington DC.  Thanks, Americans for Prosperity and over 2000 patriots and activists.  It was phenomenal.


Multiple breakout sessions on topics of interest to activists.  Met VA AG Ken Cuccinelli, the lead attorney resisting Obamadon'tcare in the Supreme Court case that's coming.  Mitt Romney followed by Herman Cain with Rudy Guliani (Jonah Goldberg,…


Added by Randy B Corporon on November 5, 2011 at 9:38pm — 5 Comments

Election Results -- Arapahoe County Communities and more



Election Results and Commentary
Prop 103

Added by W. Branstetter on November 2, 2011 at 2:54pm — 1 Comment

Arapahoe Republicans appose Prop 103

The Arapahoe County GOP

Executive Committee

formally recommends a



Added by Fredrick Lindner on October 25, 2011 at 6:13pm — No Comments

News Release (September 20, 2011)--New Commissioner Districts Approved for Arapahoe County

Arapahoe County had 17.2 percent population growth between 2000 and 2010 census years.  There is a total population of 572,003.  The county has five county commissioners and the boundaries have been redrawn to reflect 114,400 people per district.  The complete news release outlines the rough boundaries and lists the commissioner and is available at:…


Added by W. Branstetter on September 27, 2011 at 2:06pm — No Comments

New Chairperson needed

Hello all,


In the last few weeks my life has changed dramatically. I got accepted into a Master's Certificate program at Univ. of Colorado, which contributed to being accepted for a new job at Gunnison Valley Hospital. And we are now empty-nesters, enabling such a move. August 16, 2011 will certainly go down as a historic day in my life! (of course after May 31, 1981, Nov. 9, 1989 and July 1,…


Added by Cathy Mitchell on September 6, 2011 at 3:31pm — 1 Comment

Liberty Watch Colorado -- Web Site Available

Liberty Watch Colorado now has their web site up.  The newsletters from recent months are listed under the "Media" tab.  The web site is still building but there are good informational categories.


The Liberty Watch Colorado group will be gearing up soon to review the next round of bills through the legislature.  Some people might find it worthwhile to assist with the reading and…


Added by W. Branstetter on August 30, 2011 at 3:46pm — 1 Comment

Taking down the bird feeder

Taking down the bird feeder…


Added by Cathy Mitchell on August 2, 2011 at 10:37pm — 2 Comments

Need to take the Senate in 2012

Having just heard that the Senate again tabled a bill that was passed in the House, it is apparent that in order to get sane legislation passed, Republicans need to keep control of the House in 2012, and get a majority in the Senate. The current tally is 47 Republicans, 51 Democrats and 2 Independents who caucus with the Dems. Unfortunately, Colorado can't help the odds in 2012, but of the 33 seats up for re-election, 23 are Democrat/Independent either retiring or up for re-election but only…


Added by Cathy Mitchell on July 29, 2011 at 10:02pm — 1 Comment

Defining the Tea Party


Interesting exchange on the Denver Post blogs:


Runnermike wrote:These tea party jokers had no problem want to blow a hole in the budget by making Bush's Tax Cuts permanent. do you think they care one bit that it would saddle future generations with additional debt. No? Funny how they didn't even form until a Democrat was back in the white house.
Sunny5280 wrote

From what…

Added by Cathy Mitchell on July 28, 2011 at 8:41am — No Comments

"How Paul Ryan's flawed budget plan has improved the debate over our fiscal future."

The Ryan Reaction

How Paul Ryan's flawed budget plan has improved the debate over our fiscal future.

Barack Obama and Paul Ryan. Click image to expand. In the past two weeks, American political debate has improved considerably. Thanks to…


Added by Cathy Mitchell on July 15, 2011 at 7:01pm — No Comments

850 KOA Randy Corporon debating Fred Ebert on the Constitution, Obamadon'tcare and more

Fred Ebert, Stump the Professor, 850 KOA
Fred Ebert, noted local physicist and radio talk show host gave me about 20 minutes on KOA to discuss the Constitution with him. Included are debates on the 3/5the person clause,…

Added by Randy B Corporon on July 4, 2011 at 8:15pm — 2 Comments

Notes from showing of the movie, "Agenda" followed by Q&A by producer Curtis Bowers and Former Congressman Tom Tancredo

In attending this event last night, it dawned on me that there were several opportunities mentioned for people to make a difference. As in the grunt soldier on the ground, most of the jobs are not glorious or high profile but the more soldiers we have for our cause, the easier it will be to win this “war.” One percent of the efforts of 100 people accomplishes more than 100% of the efforts of one person.

The movie basically outlines a war that has been going on for decades for…


Added by Cathy Mitchell on June 19, 2011 at 7:45pm — 1 Comment

ATP on Twitter!

Although not sure how many "tweets" we will send, if you would like, sign up to follow us on Twitter. Maybe one of these days we can have some flash mobs via twitter!

Added by Chairman's Committee on June 17, 2011 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Warning from Dutch legislator - Don't let islamofascism take hold in the U.S. as it has in Europe


A warning to America - Speech Geert Wilders, Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011… PDF

Added by Cathy Mitchell on June 16, 2011 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Balanced Budget Amendment with Ken Buck at CCU, Monday, June 13, 2011

I attended this last night, along with Kevin Keator, Jack Mitchell and Nancy Powers. We all agreed that DA Buck is one of the few politicians who is not long winded! Please feel free to add your comments here.

Added by Chairman's Committee on June 14, 2011 at 11:46am — 2 Comments

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