Dear Friends:


Winding down from the fabulous Defending the American Dream Summit at the Convention Center in Washington DC.  Thanks, Americans for Prosperity and over 2000 patriots and activists.  It was phenomenal.


Multiple breakout sessions on topics of interest to activists.  Met VA AG Ken Cuccinelli, the lead attorney resisting Obamadon'tcare in the Supreme Court case that's coming.  Mitt Romney followed by Herman Cain with Rudy Guliani (Jonah Goldberg, John Fund and others) sandwiched in between, and that was just ONE session!  Andrew Breitbart and Carly Fiorina were fantastic. Dinner with Judge Andrew Napolitano and author/professor/university president Dinesh D'Souza (expert on Ronald Reagan and author of multiple books including the best seller, "The Roots of Obama's Rage").  I spoke with national Tea Party and Republican Party leaders and made connections and exchanged information with people that should help accelerate my effectiveness as Chairman of the Arapahoe Tea Party and our effectiveness as a group advocating for economic freedom, strong and principled candidates, and government transparency.


I watched the DC Occusquatters act like a rabid mob, pressing up against the windows and doors of the venue, with sticks and masks, trying to prevent attendees from leaving the building.  Astonishingly, the DC police blocked off a major intersection next to the Convention Center so these half-wits could lie down in the street!  3 of them were hit by a car!!  This is how lawbreaking is handled in our nation's capitol.


Tomorrow I will go visit the US Constitution, Arlington National Cemetery, and the TJ and GW Memorials before getting on the subway to head back to Reagan Airport.  The recently unveiled statute of Ronald Reagan at the entrance is my new profile picture on Facebook ( and on the Arapahoe Tea Party web site (  But, no matter what else happens, the highlight for me?  Meeting, posing  and talking with and later being inspired by the keynote speaker and my Constitutional Conservative hero, Mark Levin.


Can't wait to come back, kiss my wife, and get back to work.  Thanks to everyone who is working with us to restore our Constitutional Republic.  Randy

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Comment by Randy B Corporon on November 12, 2011 at 1:08pm

Thank you, Theresa.  It was fabulous!

Comment by Theresa Collins on November 6, 2011 at 4:34pm
Nice Randy.  It must have been awesome!
Comment by Randy B Corporon on November 6, 2011 at 7:06am
Nice to hear from you, Cathy.  I hope you are enjoying your new life and location!  We had a great turnout at our organization and planning meeting last week, especially considering we were competing with nasty weather and election night events.  So very much to do in the year ahead....  Please stay in touch.
Comment by Cathy Mitchell on November 6, 2011 at 2:28am

Thanks for sharing, Randy. Your enthusiasm is contagious!


Comment by W. Branstetter on November 5, 2011 at 10:33pm
Awesome!  I wondered if you would have a report and if you had managed to stay out of mischief with the protestors.  Glad you could meet all those phenomenal people.

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