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From the Denver Business Journal morning headline blast (12Dec2013), a district court judge has thrown a wrench in the works of the election certification.…Continue
Started Dec 12, 2013
Just got this newsflash out of my email:Robinson's Early Retirement LetterContinue
Started Dec 12, 2013
This column is from the November e-zine, Line of Sight. It is spot on.Want a Better Government?…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by W. Branstetter Nov 11, 2013.
At the 5 March 2013 meeting of the Arapahoe Tea Party, we were alerted to yet another rushed bill to push something into law that is sure to rankle the electorate. In the presentation, information…Continue
Started Mar 6, 2013
Lisa G Spear has not received any gifts yet
Not too much new here. It is the intent of the user of the tool, not the tool, that needs the focus.
Bushmaster CEO breaks silence on Newtown school shooting, Washington Times 15 June 2013
Posted on June 15, 2013 at 4:07pm — 1 Comment
I just received this item in an email today. Seems our plight in Colorado with the oppressive gun legislation coming out of the 2013 legislative session has the folks at CheaperThanDirt.com fired up to fire the rest of the country up. We must do a better job here in vetting candidates and getting good, Constitutionally-committed candidates on the ballot. But, other states be warned: constant vigilance is required in every level of local and state government EVERYWHERE.…
ContinuePosted on June 8, 2013 at 3:34pm
At the 5 March 2013 meeting of the Arapahoe Tea Party, we were alerted to yet another rushed bill to push something into law that is sure to rankle the electorate. In the presentation, information was shared from a study prepared by the Heritage Foundation's 2004 "Comprehensive Sex Education vs. Authentic Abstinence - A Study of Competing Curricula" white paper. (I have attached a link to this document at the end of this post.) It was suggested that if we testify, or communicate with our…
ContinuePosted on March 6, 2013 at 9:51am
Just a general interest item that I thought you all might enjoy:
What a Tea Party America Would Be Like, John Hawkins, 3 August 2012
Posted on August 3, 2012 at 5:12pm — 2 Comments
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Yeah, Lisa. Thanks very much for joining! I am banned from sending FB friend requests for some reason for 14 days. If we are not FB friends, please send me a request. They haven't stopped me from accepting them! Then I can include you in event invites, etc. Also, if you haven't, be sure and join our Arap-Tea Party FB page. Thanks again!!