>>Attend Rallies
>>>Hand Out Flyers
>>>>Make Phone Calls
>>>>>Recruit For Membership
>>>>>>Lead Individual District Groups For Arapahoe County
>>>>>>>Attend City Council/ County Commissioner Meetings

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All of the above.
I'm willing to do what I can to help.

I'm in the city of Aurora, Ward III, near Chambers and Alameda.
I would be willing to Attend Rallies, Hand Out flyers and promote rallies. I would also be willing to buy a T-shirt with the logo on it and wear it proudly if someone had some made up. Heck I would buy 3. I think these shirts would be a great promotional tool for recruiting new members in the Aurora area
I am willing to make phone calls, recruit/membership drive, attend rallies (also help plan them) hand out flyers and will help lead the Centennial West group
Attend Rallies yes
Hand out flyers yes
yes to phone calls, recruiting and all the rest.
Attend Rallies, Hand out flyers,
You could contact you local Republican Caucus Captain. Believe me that most Republicans in Colorado are mad about the left turn from Conservativism in the party. Remember Colorado nominated Romney in the primary elections. From what I have seen the District Captains can use a lot of help to canvas neighborhoods to get out mail in balot applications. It is just one more thing that we can do now. Please act now at rallies and the town halls as our Congressman will be leaving Colorado soon.

Fredrick Lindner
>>Attend Rallies
>>>Hand Out Flyers
>>>>Make Phone Calls
>>>>>Recruit For Membership

Just let me know via email
If you were at the meeting on Saturday then you may have recieved some drafts of a flyer for distribution at shoping centers and a recruitment half-sheet flyer to hand out to fellow Tea Party goers at Rallies. I also have about 30 pocket constitutions left for fund raising at the rallies. Let me know what you recieved or you can stop by and Ill get you some.

Fredrick Lindner

Kelly said:
>>Attend Rallies
>>>Hand Out Flyers
>>>>Make Phone Calls
>>>>>Recruit For Membership

Just let me know via email
I have some flyers that you can make copies of to distribute at your local shoping centers. You can stop by and pick some up. Let me know.

Fredrick Lindner

Bruce Miller said:
Attend Rallies, Hand out flyers,
I am running for CD6. I am fully committed to making this happen, so we can get a small government Statesman in office.

I am also a small government activist in Aurora. I helped defeat the Aurora property tax hike last Fall. I also spoke at the Tea Party at the capitol last April 15th.

I will help in any way that I can.
Hi Paula:
Wondering if you can help on two fronts? We each have a list of people in Arapahoe County to call and we are developing a small script which will help you discuss the efforts of Arapahoe Tea Party. Fredrick Lindner has the list and passed them out at a meeting last week. I think he has a few more to distribute. The date to have the calls made is by Jan. 30th (next Sat.) Are you able to help?
Also, there is a committee for finding those in Arapahoe County who would be willing to have a candidates sign in their yard. It involves basically calling and asking for permission and making notes. The script is being developed for this, and I actually need someone to come with me this Wed. Jan. 26th. Are you available for a 6:30 pm to about 8:30 p.m. to find out more about this committee to see if you can help?

Paula Lynn Nelson Jarvis said:
Attend Rallies yes
Hand out flyers yes
yes to phone calls, recruiting and all the rest.

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