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10-4-2010--Tea Party Leadership Endorses Tancredo

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO—More than 30 tea party leaders and grassroots activists from across Colorado today announced their endorsement of gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo, adding their names to a rapidly growing list of conservatives supporting the former Republican Congressman.

“The prospect of having Mayor John Hickenlooper win the governorship of the State of Colorado is unacceptable to us,” said Bob Marshall, secretary of Hear Us Now! “Colorado citizens need assurance that we are doing the best we can to support a solid and winning conservative candidate to represent us in the Colorado State Capitol.  Based on polling trends and the direction that the governor’s race has taken over the course of the last several weeks, we firmly believe that candidate Tom Tancredo represents Colorado’s best choice in this race.  We strongly urge you to add your support to ours – for the sake of Colorado.”

The following grassroots activists have endorsed Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado. Their endorsements reflect their personal views and do not represent in any way the memberships or organizations to which they belong.

–Brian Campbell, co-organizer, first Denver Tea Party rally 2/27/09, co-organizer of the 2009 Denver Tax Day Tea Party, co-founder, Hear Us Now!, and former Republican candidate for CD-7

–Jenny Hatch, opening speaker for the first Denver Tea Party rally 2/27/09 and organizer of the Constitution Tea Party

–Keith Peterson, chairman and co-founder, Hear Us Now! (organizers of the 2009 and 2010 Denver Tax Day Tea Parties)

–Charles Patricoff, vice-chairman, Hear Us Now!

–Robert Marshall, secretary, Hear Us Now!

–Craig Jones, treasurer, Hear Us Now!

–Nancy McKiernan, founder, Tea Party Brewing

–Patricia Bechtoldt, co-organizer, Genesee Conservatives

–Maria Fullinwider, co-organizer, Genesee Conservatives

–Margo Knutson, co-founder/developer, Coffee4Conservatives

–Mitch Knutson, co-founder, Coffee4Conservatives

–Crista Huff, political teacher/writer

–Kathy Baker, co-organizer, The Original Colorado Tea Party, former co-organizer, Evergreen/Conifer Tea Party

–Grace Charree, co-organizer, The Original Colorado Tea Party, and organizer of the Rocky Mountain Tea Party

–Annette Cole, co-organizer, Rocky Mountain Tea Party

–Charcie Russell

–Abigail Keating, organizer, Clear Creek Tea Party

–Virginia Young, founder, Broomfield 912, founder and co-organizer, In God We Trust 912

–Jen Raiffie, conservative activist and Adams County Republican precinct committee person

–Marla Gillespie, co-organizer, In God We Trust 912, member Denver/Front Range 912

–Francesca Subramanian, co-founder and board member of a local liberty group

–Guy Pacot, grassroots activist

–Katherine Vitale, conservative grassroots activist

–Nancy Wenlock, grassroots activist

–Mick and Vickie Murray, Tancredo area captains for North El Paso County and grassroots activists in the conservative movement

–Rob Timmons, grassroots activist

–Brian Pike, co-founder and former president of Revive Our American Republic (ROAR)

–Leslie White, grassroots activist

–John Ransom, former Douglas County GOP chair and grassroots activist

–Brian Wilson, grassroots activist

–Phil and Marge North, tea partiers from Evergreen


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I'm just one ATP member but TNT has my support
I agree. The time for us to support Tom Tancredo is NOW. It's obvious that Dan Maes can't win, and to continue to support a failing campaign that will ensure a Hickelooper victory is absurd. WE NEED THIS VICTORY. We can't afford to wait any longer. Dan Maes may be the nicest guy in the world, but the controversy surrounding him makes a victory for him absolutely unattainable. Please, let's put our support behind Tancredo.
WOW, 30 people mostly with Hear Us Now choose to endorse Tancredo. Many of the others I have never heard of or seen at any of the Coalition Leadership meetings. I know that T.T.'s followers have very little option other than to join our website and us it for continuous propoganda but really there are options available. The ATP had an election to endorse Dan Maes and he won overwhelmingly. The ATP went to Caucus and Assemblies and Dan won again. Your Paragon is losing this race just as the Tea Party Candidate. Things may unfold in the following weeks that could change the election or they may not. Either way you have just wasted our time and approximately 20 minutes of my time in addressing this issue yet once again.

Fredrick Lindner
Former ATP Coordinator

You didn't have to read this Fredrick!!! Sorry that you thought your valuable time was wasted when people are trying to show others the reality of the situation and that there is a choice
Fredrick Lindner said:
WOW, 30 people mostly with Hear Us Now choose to endorse Tancredo. Many of the others I have never heard of or seen at any of the Coalition Leadership meetings. I know that T.T.'s followers have very little option other than to join our website and us it for continuous propoganda but really there are options available. The ATP had an election to endorse Dan Maes and he won overwhelmingly. The ATP went to Caucus and Assemblies and Dan won again. Your Paragon is losing this race just as the Tea Party Candidate. Things may unfold in the following weeks that could change the election or they may not. Either way you have just wasted our time and approximately 20 minutes of my time in addressing this issue yet once again.

Fredrick Lindner
Former ATP Coordinator
I will always address and shine the light on propoganda garbage when I see it on this site. The article was written and titled "Tea Party Leadership Endorses Tancredo", this is an abject and absolute false statement if it is to forward the the Colorado Tea Party Coalition of over 20 organizations has decided to endorse Tancredo. I have spoken to with the leadership involved and Hear Us Now choose to release this information weeks ago to the media due in large part that they were uncomfortable with how Dan Maes was addressing the total distortions made against him. Dan finally addressed the issue a few days after they made that decision. Their opinion was that if Dan could not slap down this pathetic story then how would he perform as Governor. That is why they made that decision. Ever heard of that before or how that story was told before from the Tancredo campaign? Propably not since they were the ones who invented the story line to distort the truth, lie, cheat and steal this election. I am replying to everyone involved that if this were the tactics that a Governor would instill in the office of the CEO of Colorado that we would all be in deep trouble. Joe, you seem to be connected to the Tancredo campaign is some form. Find out for us how much money, time, effort, and propoganda has been sent to T.T.'s campaign from such people as Peter Boyles, Dan Caplas, and Mike Brown. I bet if you totalled the amount it would add to 10's of thousands of dollars in value to his campaign in attacking Dan Maes. Each person would have a financial maximum spent, but how much is a 30 hour a week broadcast time attacking one person for political gain cost these days.


Joe Piccoli said:

You didn't have to read this Fredrick!!! Sorry that you thought your valuable time was wasted when people are trying to show others the reality of the situation and that there is a choice
Fredrick Lindner said:
WOW, 30 people mostly with Hear Us Now choose to endorse Tancredo. Many of the others I have never heard of or seen at any of the Coalition Leadership meetings. I know that T.T.'s followers have very little option other than to join our website and us it for continuous propoganda but really there are options available. The ATP had an election to endorse Dan Maes and he won overwhelmingly. The ATP went to Caucus and Assemblies and Dan won again. Your Paragon is losing this race just as the Tea Party Candidate. Things may unfold in the following weeks that could change the election or they may not. Either way you have just wasted our time and approximately 20 minutes of my time in addressing this issue yet once again.

Fredrick Lindner
Former ATP Coordinator

Ferdrick, I said it a couple of times before and I will say it again I have NO TIES (other then contributing some money $50) to Tancredo. I have been a ardent supporter of his for the last 8+ years when he was the only one speaking up about illegal immigration and getting kicked out of the WHITE HOUSE for it. Tom stood up for America against his own party. As for propoganda statement. Maes still has not offered any PROOF that he was working with the KBI (unless I missed some article that had some new information) all he said was that he had a meeting with the KBI and they told him to keep quiet about the investigation and he still opened his mouth to his girlfriend. All the other papers he released showed that he was fired because he could not keep his mouth shut about the investigation. The title of the article in this discussion was not a false statement as there are plenty of people on the list that are in leadership positions within various TEA PARTY groups that endorse Tancredo. If people would take the time to read the whole article they would realize that this list is not inclusive of all Tea Party leaders but just the ones listed in the article. As for Peter Boyles, I didn't hear you complaining about his so called propoganda several months ago when he was supporting Dan Maes over Scott McInnis. Funny how you now call it propoganda when it fits your neat little world to do so

Fredrick Lindner said:
I will always address and shine the light on propoganda garbage when I see it on this site. The article was written and titled "Tea Party Leadership Endorses Tancredo", this is an abject and absolute false statement if it is to forward the the Colorado Tea Party Coalition of over 20 organizations has decided to endorse Tancredo. I have spoken to with the leadership involved and Hear Us Now choose to release this information weeks ago to the media due in large part that they were uncomfortable with how Dan Maes was addressing the total distortions made against him. Dan finally addressed the issue a few days after they made that decision. Their opinion was that if Dan could not slap down this pathetic story then how would he perform as Governor. That is why they made that decision. Ever heard of that before or how that story was told before from the Tancredo campaign? Propably not since they were the ones who invented the story line to distort the truth, lie, cheat and steal this election. I am replying to everyone involved that if this were the tactics that a Governor would instill in the office of the CEO of Colorado that we would all be in deep trouble. Joe, you seem to be connected to the Tancredo campaign is some form. Find out for us how much money, time, effort, and propoganda has been sent to T.T.'s campaign from such people as Peter Boyles, Dan Caplas, and Mike Brown. I bet if you totalled the amount it would add to 10's of thousands of dollars in value to his campaign in attacking Dan Maes. Each person would have a financial maximum spent, but how much is a 30 hour a week broadcast time attacking one person for political gain cost these days.


Joe Piccoli said:

You didn't have to read this Fredrick!!! Sorry that you thought your valuable time was wasted when people are trying to show others the reality of the situation and that there is a choice
Fredrick Lindner said:
WOW, 30 people mostly with Hear Us Now choose to endorse Tancredo. Many of the others I have never heard of or seen at any of the Coalition Leadership meetings. I know that T.T.'s followers have very little option other than to join our website and us it for continuous propoganda but really there are options available. The ATP had an election to endorse Dan Maes and he won overwhelmingly. The ATP went to Caucus and Assemblies and Dan won again. Your Paragon is losing this race just as the Tea Party Candidate. Things may unfold in the following weeks that could change the election or they may not. Either way you have just wasted our time and approximately 20 minutes of my time in addressing this issue yet once again.

Fredrick Lindner
Former ATP Coordinator
While I wish there was significantly more input on this topic, I am happy to see that Tancrado supporters lead the Maes supporter 75%/25%.

Fred Lindner's name calling, sarcasm and the unsupported assumptions built into his arguments reduce his credibility with almost every post.

I am involved in another Tea Party group that has strong and productive email discussions, a minimum of once-per-month meetings with strong attendance and quality speakers, friendly and intellectual debates devoid of personal attacks, and is making a difference in influencing and motivating people to participate in the election and ultimately vote.

I am new to this group, but with this terrific and functional website, don't understand why the group is floundering and dysfunctional. I live in Arapahoe County and would like to make a difference in Arapahoe County. I welcome suggestions to get this group moving, discussing, MEETING! The 2010 election matters more than any other in my lifetime. We should not wait until after it to get this group moving and talking, all 196 or so of us.

Fred, I saw 4 Hear Us Now endorsements of the 30 I posted. I possess no knowledge of the interrelationship between all the other groups, but on its face the supporter list does not appear to be "mostly with Hear Us Now." What I do possess knowledge of is the increasing number of conservatives, names big and small, supporting Tancredo. A 6-10 point deficit against an (almost) incumbent candidate who can't get to 50%, is not insurmountable. And Maes continues to do nothing but damage the conservative cause:

Click here: Maes Endorses Hickenlooper's Economic Policies Over Tancredo's - Praises Hick's "Moderate Business Acumen" | Rocky (www.rockymountainright.com/?q=node/1392).

I see the same 4-5 people posting, and encourage any other members of the group to let us hear from you. These next 3 1/2 weeks are crucial and we all have much to offer our neigbors and each other.

I posted a cautionary statement a while back when all the controversy surrounding Dan Maes first broke. I strongly urged people to wait until the details were out, the haze of propaganda had cleared and make their decisions based on full-picture information. This is my follow-up recommendation after careful analysis of the situation.
Dan Maes has chosen not to be forthcoming or direct in dealing with the controversy that seems to continue to swell up around him. It was initially just a minor campaign donation issue. It's now grown into far more - very probably because he avoided it, ignored it and gave the appearance that he was hiding from it. Regardless of actual guilt or not, and regardless of whether it is "fair" or not - it was Dan's CHOICE whether to address the doubts being created about him, or not to. He chose not to. That was, in my opinion, a huge mistake on his part. Agree or disagree with me on that part - his choices have undeniably left him unelectable. He knows that. There's no way he can't know that at this point. Which means he is remaining in this race at the expense of Coloradans purely for the sake of appearances and/or ego.
Tom Tancredo, on the other hand, has been direct on the issues, straight forward about his intentions as governor and he's met every challenge to the legitimacy of his candidacy with strong, unwavering conviction. There's obviously no doubt he's a conservative; I don't recall anyone ever questioning that.

At this point, I see no reason for any conservative American who loves this state (and country) to feel obligated to remain positioned in support of a candidate who made the CHOICE not to exercise full transparency and meet challenges head-on before they are even in office. If Dan Maes doesn't believe in himself enough to step forward and stand down the accusations and propaganda with full disclosure, open communication and every shred of evidence he had available to him to counter the claims - then conservatives in Colorado can not be expected to remain steadfastly behind him just because he happened to get the "R" behind his name before all of the controversy hit the fan.

I still don't know if Dan Maes is actually guilty of the things they claim - because Dan Maes has chosen not to give us enough verifiable information to make an educated decision for ourselves. So, my vote will be going to Tom Tancredo. It's my STRONG opinion that every conservative person, and group, should be endorsing Tom at this point, and asking Dan to really do some soul searching, consider from the heart what is truly in the best interest of the people of Colorado - and step out of the race. If he has any political aspirations beyond this election cycle, it's the one action that will salvage any hope of realizing those goals for him, in my opinion.

But this one is either going to Tancredo or Hickenlooper. Can Maes really afford to hand this state over to Hickenlooper? Does he have a RIGHT to do that to an entire state? (Legally, yes, of course. But, morally?)
As far as I have seen Tom Tancredo and his fiends and co-workers at Clear Channel Communications have not one shred of verifiable proof that Dan Maes said he was a KBI agent working undercover. If anyone has any proof other wise please post your references. For the last 3 months I have only been working to keep you all informed as to what the propoganda is and the background of the hearsay accusations.


Judging by the 4000+ hits on this site I accept that Dan should be doing a better job of handling this mud slinging.

Make your agruements with references to make a stonger case and always back things up with facts. Call me as many names as you like however when I resigned to become an officer in the Republican Party I took a responsibility to support and defend all of our candidates. Not just when it is politically expedient.

Speak with Steven Haworth about the next meeting if you all wish to become active in the ATP.


Hi Stacy:
I've not heard from you at all for the Arapahoe Tea Party until this issue has arisen. I want to address your statement about this statement you made, "Tom Tancredo, on the other hand, has been direct on the issues, straight forward about his intentions as governor and he's met every challenge to the legitimacy of his candidacy with strong, unwavering conviction. There's obviously no doubt he's a conservative; I don't recall anyone ever questioning that..."

Tancredo hasn't changed who he is - I've just learned that he isn't what I used to think he was.

My biggest gripe with him is he had the chance to go through the process like anyone else last year. He didn't. He cut in line, he doesn't think he has to play by the same rules as any other candidate, and he's trying to steal an election with a 3-way race because he KNOWS HE COULD NEVER WIN IN A 2-WAY RACE. Sounds just like an illegal immigrant trying to scam the system and taxpayers.

A true CONSERVATIVE doesn't endorse legalizing all drugs.

A true CONSERVATIVE doesn't pledge to keep his word on term limits and then play games with the definition, breaking his own pledge.

A true CONSERVATIVE DOESN'T VOTE FOR TARP - the biggest load of crappola that was fed to the American people.

A true CONSERVATIVE doesn't circumvent the electoral process and self anoint on the ballot, thereby CHEATING the voters out of the opportunity to vet the candidate and nominate the best person for the job.

A true CONSERVATIVE candidate would be talking about what he could do for Colorado - NOT personally attacking a grass roots candidate.

A true REPUBLICAN would not switch his party at the last minute to sneak on a ballot, only to switch back to Republican after the election should he win.


He got a deferment from the military for "mental health issues", and stated just last month he still has bouts of depression. That doesn't give me comfort.

He can call himself an independent conservative until the cows came home, but he's a republican trying to destroy the man the people voted for, and no one who voted for an $800+ BILLION spending bill is a conservative. Period.

Stacey Rooney said:
I posted a cautionary statement a while back when all the controversy surrounding Dan Maes first broke. I strongly urged people to wait until the details were out, the haze of propaganda had cleared and make their decisions based on full-picture information. This is my follow-up recommendation after careful analysis of the situation.
Dan Maes has chosen not to be forthcoming or direct in dealing with the controversy that seems to continue to swell up around him. It was initially just a minor campaign donation issue. It's now grown into far more - very probably because he avoided it, ignored it and gave the appearance that he was hiding from it. Regardless of actual guilt or not, and regardless of whether it is "fair" or not - it was Dan's CHOICE whether to address the doubts being created about him, or not to. He chose not to. That was, in my opinion, a huge mistake on his part. Agree or disagree with me on that part - his choices have undeniably left him unelectable. He knows that. There's no way he can't know that at this point. Which means he is remaining in this race at the expense of Coloradans purely for the sake of appearances and/or ego.
Tom Tancredo, on the other hand, has been direct on the issues, straight forward about his intentions as governor and he's met every challenge to the legitimacy of his candidacy with strong, unwavering conviction. There's obviously no doubt he's a conservative; I don't recall anyone ever questioning that.

At this point, I see no reason for any conservative American who loves this state (and country) to feel obligated to remain positioned in support of a candidate who made the CHOICE not to exercise full transparency and meet challenges head-on before they are even in office. If Dan Maes doesn't believe in himself enough to step forward and stand down the accusations and propaganda with full disclosure, open communication and every shred of evidence he had available to him to counter the claims - then conservatives in Colorado can not be expected to remain steadfastly behind him just because he happened to get the "R" behind his name before all of the controversy hit the fan.

I still don't know if Dan Maes is actually guilty of the things they claim - because Dan Maes has chosen not to give us enough verifiable information to make an educated decision for ourselves. So, my vote will be going to Tom Tancredo. It's my STRONG opinion that every conservative person, and group, should be endorsing Tom at this point, and asking Dan to really do some soul searching, consider from the heart what is truly in the best interest of the people of Colorado - and step out of the race. If he has any political aspirations beyond this election cycle, it's the one action that will salvage any hope of realizing those goals for him, in my opinion.

But this one is either going to Tancredo or Hickenlooper. Can Maes really afford to hand this state over to Hickenlooper? Does he have a RIGHT to do that to an entire state? (Legally, yes, of course. But, morally?)
Shall we finally put an end to this debate? I have attempted to lead the Tancredo supporters to this conclusion yet they were not capable of understanding. Let me stop hinting and just finish it. Theresa I know that I am not leading this organization any more but let us hold the exact straw poll that we had for the assembly. Tom Tancredo supporters were not active in our group during this first straw poll and I have been hinting to them for weeks to make this aware appraisal of the options available to them. The mail in ballots are out and voting begins in less than a week. I see no harm at this time in now opening up the vote as before and releasing the results of the poll at the end of the month. Let me be clear. We will open up the votes to our membership as before with an election time period identical to our previous vote. We can release the results of our poll after our results are tallied. Prepare a poll and send it to Steven for review. Dan Maes and Tom Tancredo will not win this race so I see no harm in getting it out of the way.

Fredrick Lindner
The Tancredo support keeps pouring in, from strong, well known and loyal Republicans:

Colorado Watch: Tancredo for Governor
By Michelle Malkin • October 4, 2010 11:51 AM

The GOP gubernatorial candidate in Colorado, Dan Maes, is now in full meltdown mode. I mentioned his campaign briefly back in August on primary night, but have been tracking developments closely here in my home state. Republican primary voters were forced to choose between entrenched, ethics-challenged establishment candidate Scott McInnis and untested businessman Maes. GOP voters made the right choice given the options at the time. Maes and his supporters deserve deep thanks for sparing us a McInnis massacre. But it’s time to pass on the baton.

Plagued by mounting ethics allegations and other campaign woes, Maes’ candidacy has imploded. His fund-raising is on life support and Tea Party activists who initially buoyed his candidacy are abandoning him. Some GOP bureaucrats are more worried about the Republican ballot positioning/fund-raising consequences of abandoning Maes than they are about the destructive policies Democrat John Hickenlooper will put in place if he wins the governor’s mansion. It’s that slavish adherence to partisan interests over principle that led to the Tea Party movement in the first place.

Third-party challenger Tom Tancredo, who has pleaded for weeks for Maes to step aside, has eclipsed him. The writing is on the wall: There is one conservative in the governor’s race who can win — and it is not Maes.

Democrat Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper has 46 percent of the vote.

Tancredo pulls 34 percent.

Republican Dan Maes trails with 15 percent.

Note this: Tancredo leads Hickenlooper among Hispanic voters, edges Hickenlooper among young voters, and trounces Maes among Tea Party-affiliated voters:

The automated telephone poll of 647 likely voters was conducted Sept. 28-30 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.

…Hickenlooper leads among women and every age group except 18 to 34, where he is behind Tancredo 39 percent to 40 percent.

Tancredo, who is best-known for his staunch position against illegal immigration, also leads Hickenlooper among Hispanic voters, 42 percent to 40 percent. He is ahead of Maes, considered a Tea Party candidate, with those who have a favorable opinion of that group, 64 percent to 27 percent.

Hickenlooper leads the three among those whose top issue is jobs and the economy. Tancredo leads among those whose top issue is either illegal immigration or the federal deficit.
Tancredo has brought together a broad coalition of Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians, grass-roots activists and elected local and state officials alike. I haven’t agreed with every stance he has taken or statement he has made, but he is a proven, tested public leader — committed to core conservative principles and our national sovereignty — who has the passion, energy, competence, and organizational skills to beat job-killing liberal John Hickenlooper. Tancredo can cross the finish line first and pull Colorado back from the progressive brink as Obama drags down America.

Voters on the center-Right in Colorado have been blessed with the time and opportunity to change course before Election Day and unite behind one viable conservative candidate with the momentum to win. Seize the moment.


Here’s a partial list of Tancredo’s latest endorsements. Count me in, too:

Bob Schaffer
- Colorado State Board of Education Chairman and former Republican Congressman
• Bob Beauprez
- Former Republican Congressman and State Republican Party Chair
• Joel Hefley
- Former Republican Congressman, El Paso County – 5th Congressional District
• Lynn Hefley
- Former Republican State Representative, El Paso County
• Cheri Gerou
- Republican State Representative
• Marsha Looper
- Republican State Representative
• Greg Brophy
- Republican State Senator
• Ted Harvey
- Republican State Senator
• Josh Penry
- Republican State Senator & Former Minority Leader
• Shawn Mitchell
- State Senator
• Steve King
- Congressman, (R-IA)
• Mike Sheeley
- Former 7th Congressional Republican Candidate
• Bo Cottrell
- Former Arapahoe County Republican Chair
• Tory Brown
- Former Arapahoe County Republican Chair
• Rick Grice
- Former Arapahoe County Republican Men’s Club President
• E.E. Casey Hayes
- Former Democrat State Representative
• Eric Prinzler
- Former Republican State Representative
• Frank DeFilippo
- Former Republican State Representative
• Bruce Cairns
- Former Republican State Senator
• Cliff Dodge
- Former Republican State Senator
• Matt Dunn
- Former State House Candidate
• Chris Paulson
- Former State Representative/House Majority Leader
• Andy McElhany
- Former State Senator/Senate Minority Leader, El Paso County
• Michael Brown
- KOA Talk Show Host
• Jon Caldara
- President, Independence Institute, and KOA Talk Show Host
• Retired Col. David Hughes
- Democrat Activist , El Paso County
• Gary Bohall
- El Paso County Republican Activist
• Joe Wilson
- Erie Mayor
• Rose Evans
- Former Administrative Officer, EPA Denver (Reagan Administration)
• Lynne Cottrell
- Former Arapahoe County Republican Chair
• Nathan Chambers
- Former Arapahoe County Republican Chairman and current Republicans for Tom Tancredo State Chairman
• Dan Kopelman
- Former President of Denver Metro Young Republicans and Former President of Jewish Republicans of Col
• Jimmy Lakey
- Former Republican candidate for Congress and KNUS host
• Jim Welker
- Former Republican State Representative
• John McElderry
- Former Republican State Representative
• Lauri Clapp
- Former Republican State Representative
• Matt Knoedler
- Former Republican State Representative
• Pam Rhodes
- Former Republican State Representative
• Rob Witwer
- Former Republican State Representative
• Ruth Prendergast
- Former Republican State Representative
• Jim Reeves
- Former Republican State Representative and former Arapahoe County Assessor
• Joe Stengel
- Former Republican State Representative and Minority Leader
• Hugh Fowler
- Former Republican State Senator
• Maynard Yost
- Former Republican State Senator
• Steve Durham
- Former Republican State Senator
• Tom Wiens
- Former Republican State Senator
• Cliff Bryan
- Former State Representative
• John Herzog
- Former State Representative
• Steve Erickson
- Former State Representative
• Mike Dunafon
- Glendale Mayor Pro Tempore
• Cinamon Watson
- GOP Strategist
• Michael Jude
- Heritage Foundation Member
• Janet Rowland
- Mesa County Commissioner
• Mr. & Mrs. Marak Kudlis
- Parents of Marten Kudlis
• Eric Field
- Past President, Colorado Jewish Republicans
• Karen Kataline
- President, Jewish Republicans of Colorado
• Sunny Roseman
- Radio Show Host KLZ Radio 560AM
• Steve Schuck
- Republican Activist
• Ted Martin
- Republican Activist, Arapahoe County
• Jim Dyer
- Republican Arapahoe County Commissioner
• Glenn Rhoades
- Republican Education Activist
• Spencer Swalm
- Republican State Representative
• Russell Pearce
- Republican State Senator, Arizona
• Jay Lower
- Retired Executive Director, Colorado Contractors Association
• Lou Schroeder
- State Chairman, Democrats for Tom Tancredo, Arapahoe County


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