Is there any way of getting a summary of the agenda and discussion of last night's ATP meeting?Continue
Started Mar 6, 2013
John J. Waters has not received any gifts yet
On June 13, 2013, I posted a blog with a link to SteynOnline (Mark Steyn's web site) referring to the slow, steady rise of England's UKIP (United Kingdom Independent Party) led by Neal Farage. Farage was scoffed at for years by the Conservatives (England's RINOS) and Labour (Our Democrats) and Liberals (Totally Socialist). On Sunday, the UKIP won big and wiped out totally the Liberal party and gained 117 local seats while the Conservatives lost 117. The UKIP is England's Tea Party. In…
ContinuePosted on May 27, 2014 at 9:11am
This is a very important tea party meeting. One of the speakers is General Vallely, who is fast becoming an outstanding tea party advocate. The event is live streamed. Click on link below to tune in. J. Waters
Sign up to watch the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition convention LIVE…
Posted on January 10, 2014 at 4:37pm
I suggest that Arapahoe Tea Party members read the article entitled "Nigel vs the Lunatic Mainstream" by Mark Steyn, National Review, June 25, 2013. I think this is the greatest political satire since "A Modest Proposal" byJonathon Swift in 1729, and offers those of us "out of the mainstream" some ammunition to keep the pressure on the idiots running our government. See link below......J. Waters
Posted on June 28, 2013 at 11:24am
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We will look forward to meeting you then if you can attend. In the meanwhile, if you have an opportunity, tune in to radio KLZ 560 AM [] from 5-7 p.m. weekdays for news and commentary particular to the conservative ideas. Our tea party leader periodically co-hosts Grassroots Radio Colorado at that time.
Thank you for joining the Arapahoe County Tea Party web site. If you are interested, the Facebook page is "Arap TeaParty." We do have meetings the first Tuesday of each month at Smoky Hill Library. Events for many of the grassroots groups are posted in the "Events" section so watch for that information. We hope to see you soon.
Wilma B.