Vendor Cart fire locks down White House 3/7/15

My comment to the Washington Times re:their story about today's White House lockdown due to a vendor cart fire:


That wasn't a vendor cart on fire. It was Bill Clinton burning Hilary's email server. He was later joined by Loretta Lynch burning her asset seizure files, Eric Holder flaming his letters to Louis Farrakhan and Van Jones, also John Kerry's blackened letter to his wife asking for lunch money, Hussein Obama, hurriedly trying to incinerate Valerie Jarret and Susan Rice conference notes in which they promised Khomeini a nuke in a year, Pelosi was there, also, with her before and after Botox Medicare appeal letters. Good thing they got it all smoked out before the D.C.F.D. arrived. Bobby Menendez was seen scurrying down 17th Street with about seven briefcases, but he was too late, the place was nothin' but ashes.


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