Views: 16


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Comment by Keith Ulmer on November 30, 2010 at 9:32pm

28,859 votes were all that made the difference and i think what would have made the difference was a clear advertising message, similar in style like Tancredo used, with a clear definition of what Ken Buck wanted to do with Social Security, making it clear what privatizing was with clear figures showing what a 20 year old would accumulate in 40 years and making it crystal clear that current retirees would not be affected. I personally heard this problem from many seniors and could not convince them that there would be no change for them. See how tyranny works?
Comment by W. Branstetter on November 29, 2010 at 12:13am
The Rossputin comments are insightful.

I would also add this link to The Colorado Stateman "Inner View" with Dick Wadhams and their transcription of the interview.

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