Statement: The fiscal future of our county is of paramount concern. The Tea Party evolved in 2009 from a view that taxes and economic law’s written and being debated in congress was destined to collapse this county. Some labeled the Tea Party as Taxed Enough Already and other labeled the Tea Party as reviving the image of the Boston Tea Party Revolt against exorbitant taxes on imports. That was why this organization was founded and why I helped organize the group to battle the big government trend for over a year. Now I have seen in the last few months the debate shifting to one of Judeo-Christian Conservatism. I recognize that the media and debate moderators are directing this movement from sound economic principles to social issues that are not widely accepted in 21st Century Politics. They are doing it because it will hurt the Republican nominee in the general election.
Belief in the Supernatural by a fundamental minority never ends well in our human history. Below is a link to a well known media icon and organizer of the 9/12 project. His fall into obscurity can be assured with his belief in supernatural entities manipulating events for causes that he deems “Evil”. You can hear later speaking during his radio broadcasts of how “evil is taking over the world”. This kind of talk has No Merit in a Free Nation of Rational Thought. THIS 2 MINUTE SEGMENT DELVES INTO HIS DEPRAVED MIND AND SHOULD WAKE YOU UP.
Let us take a look at the First Amendment. Discussion from the below link is discussed.
“”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.””
A look at freedom of religion and freedom from religion
“”Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion at all, and to do this without government control.””
Conclusion: Social issues are outside of the Constitutional and Fiscal Conservative debate. You can believe in whatever you like or are free to not believe in whatever you like. But you can’t write a law over-ruling the freedom of people to make choices because of religious dogma. The first amendment over-rules any decision of a lower state. Just as no state can ban guns because of the second amendment. No state can write a religious order and impose their version of morality on other people. This is where we get to the social issues, either it be drugs, marriage, or sex control.
Thanks Cathy, I agree 100%.
Thank you, Ms. Branstetter.
ENOUGH of the name calling and directed comments!
Several recent blog entries have stretched beyond the original scope of the group:
1. Constitution
2. Limited government
3. Taxes and spending
Discussion of religion and "social issues" may have its place within the context of current events news items but have generally been off limits since the web site was created. These comments attacking other members is out of line, and there are ways to critique the positions of "famous" people without the personalized attacks.
There are a number of issues on the local and national level that may be more appropriate for discussion.
Filling in as temporary administrator, Wilma Branstetter.
P.S. I would like to recommend this book:
Glenn Beck and his belief in Baal as a supernatural force. Part 1:
Lapin on Baal. Part 2:
Please feel free to look at the following again. We are faced directly with a the Patternicity response of Glenn Beck without a foundation a locus of control method in an uncertain environment leading to the belief of supernatural entities. Uncertainty leads to superstition and illusory pattern responses. The direct relation of "Evil" to be established by a media personality to his environment is testimony to Glenn Beck's fall from Rationality. This kind of speak is wrong and should not be housed in a Liberty shell. Logic that sister.
See below statement by Mr. L.
Yvonne, once again the aim and direction of the conversation has sailed directly over your insular mind. If you believe that a superstitious entity is at cause for modern instability we are all in for a rough future. Putting the brand of Evil on such beliefs is also wrong. As mentioned before when the superstitions of a minority begin to overtake us in political fervor we will most likely witness an atrocity. Also your belief that the Constitution was based on the bible is an utter display of your ignorance on history. This is a Republic founded by Free Masons with the intent that, a “great quest for light and knowledge” that deals with the “intellectual, moral, and spiritual values of life.” To achieve these goals, “freedom of thought, speech, and action belongs to every man". I have no problem with the majority of my Christian and Catholic friends in the Tea Party. What I do have a problem with is people like you who espouse apposing views as evil forces on this earth that will need to be dealt with. If you read any of the greatest minds of the 21st Century as much as your shiny new version of faith you could come to help us defend the basic tenants of Freedom that this country was based on.
FYI, just in case there are any other readers of this blog, this is what Mr. Lindner emailed to me. You judge for yourselves as to who is calling whom names and where the demeaning, illogical arguments are coming from.
Yvonne, once again the aim and direction of the conversation has sailed directly over your insular mind. If you believe that a superstitious entity is at cause for modern instability we are all in for a rough future. Putting the brand of Evil on such beliefs is also wrong. As mentioned before when the superstitions of a minority begin to overtake us in political fervor we will most likely witness an atrocity. Also your belief that the Constitution was based on the bible is an utter display of your ignorance on history. This is a Republic founded by Free Masons with the intent that, a “great quest for light and knowledge” that deals with the “intellectual, moral, and spiritual values of life.” To achieve these goals, “freedom of thought, speech, and action belongs to every man". I have no problem with the majority of my Christian and Catholic friends in the Tea Party. What I do have a problem with is people like you who espouse apposing views as evil forces on this earth that will need to be dealt with. If you read any of the greatest minds of the 21st Century as much as your shiny new version of faith you could come to help us defend the basic tenants of Freedom that this country was based on."
Are you a complete idiot, or just a partial idiot? Not that I am calling YOU names. You really should stop watching so much National Geographic and Current T.V. Perhaps a little studying of the Constitution, Washington's Farewell Address, and other founding fathers' documents would do you good. You assume way too much and clearly are incapable of reading what is written, much less comprehending it.
Yvonne, if you believe that there is a supernatural entity out there that isn't Christian and is thus Evil based on Glenn Beck's topic of choice, then your the one without rational thought. Glenn and you from your discussion have fallen to the topics of labeling "Evil". Not exactly a tenant of Rational Thought.
Dear Sir,
You have by your own words made this a religious discussion. Your attacks against me for having disagreed with your position on moral grounds detracts from what you profess to have been the primary issue.
Although you state that you are schooled in anthropology, etc, and you have advanced education in various fields, you make the assumption that those who differ in opinion are not. You are wrong in your assessment. Also, you are not the only one with a diverse cultural background. Be careful not to make assumptions that would discredit your argument.
While you profess to be tolerant, you betray traditional tolerance for your own personal cause.
Furthermore, you have stooped to the level of name calling and degraded the nature of this blog to anti-Christian, pluralistic sentiment.
You may want to reconsider your position on tolerance, or at least look up the definition. You would have done better for your own sake, as well as the this brand of Tea Party's, to simply state that you endorse no specific religions; hence you criticize none.
Religious freedom demands that everyone is free to believe in a higher power (or lack of) according to their conscience; they are free to express such beliefs without fear or ridicule by governing authorities; they are not prohibited from living their lives according to their faith or from expressing their faith in private and in public; they are not coerced in to acts that would defy their convictions. Essentially, you have quashed the spirit of the 1st Amendment by attacking those who embrace a faith different from yours and attempting to silence them through blame and ridicule.
You stated that I "would subject us all to your form of Sharia or Biblical moral law." That is absurd and a detraction from the real issue. Sharia is in complete contradiction to the laws of this land, just an FYI. Biblical moral law is not. If you would like to discuss this issue in more detail without name-calling, I am more than happy to do so.
Again, you have discredited yourself in your attempts to defend your personal beliefs.
You have alienated a vast portion of the conservative Tea Party by calling them religious zealots, even though they would gladly share the cause of defending liberty as defined in our Constitution. Perhaps this is why you do not have more participants on this site? Just a consideration.
Yvonne, if these words you have put to history below are yours, then you have betrayed your true and utterly bigoted bias. You have so brilliantly pointed out your naive arrogance that your faith and only your faith is righteous, and any other, no matter the historical and cultural richness is subject to lesser status in your eyes. I understand this twisted kind of faith better than most and know that your words are a tenant in your faith. You would subject us all to your form of Sharia or Biblical moral law witness to only be seen fit through your view of righteousness. Yvonne, this is exactly why I created this thread, to warn of the abject superstitious bigotry of this twisted kind of faith. I find this kind of speak disgusting and horribly intolerant with no merit in the Tea Party. As someone with an advanced scientific and historical education, with ancestry from just about every indigenous culture from Native America and North Central Europe and who has had to suffer the heal of oppression from the last 2 thousand years of ignorance and insular world views. If you really want to put your theology on trial, we can go into great detail and shine a great light upon the vast list of genocide and subjugation. Something our founders also knew all too well. In writing the first amendment they established the first line of defense to protect us all from Religious Zealots like you and Beck.
Let us take a second look the great book below.
Freedom of Religion, Excerpts from the Complete Idiots guide to the US Constitution, by Timothy Harper 2007.
“…Many early American communities ostracized and sometimes punished people for not following their religion or even their sect of a shared religion.”…
“The First Amendment guarantees that the government will not prefer one religion over another. It also guarantees that the government will not prefer religion in general over nonreligion or the lack of religion, and that it will not prefer nonreligion over religion.”
In conclusion: I can protect my family and many members of my community from direct intolerance through many means and will continue to do so. The benefits of my training and education will carry me well in this fight, but to advance your social order under the geas of a Tea Party agenda is that of desperation. Go find your Canaanite agricultural pantheons of “Evil” elsewhere.
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