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Liberty Watch

Citizens uniting to defend

Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of
Your Republican Leadership Took an Oath
To Uphold the Consitution!

SB200 creates a Colorado Health Benefit Exchange
Health care exchanges - state-level bureaucracies that ObamaCare must coerce into existence.
Without exchanges - there is no ObamaCare or ANY single payer plans implemented
With exchanges - federal and state governments can meddle into and control the MORTALITY of every American citizen.

SB200 passed the Senate with ALL 15 Republican Senators voting NO!!
  The House Leadership & Lobbyists has so far REFUSED to Hear You!
Make YOUR voice be HEARD
Make them look you in the EYE as they vote

The time is now to support Liberty and the Principles of Freedom
Free Market, Fiscal Responsibility, LIMITED Government

Be at the Capital tomorrow Tuesday May 5th!
Press Conference Starts at 12:45pm
Hearing starts at 1:30pm Legislative Services Bldg (14th & Sherman)
Everyone who attends please arrive by 1:15pm to sign up to testify
We the People Need to OUTNUMBER the PAID LOBBYISTS!!
Tell the House Leadership and Committee Members SB200 is Bad Medicine!
Speaker Frank McNulty
House Majority Leader Amy Stephens
House Majority Whip B.J. Nikkel
Health Committee Members:
Rep. Summers, Acree, Bradford, Joshi, Kerr J. Brown J., Massey

SB200 IS Bad Medicine for Colorado
  • - Senator Mitchell-R wrote an excellent article outlining why SB200 IS NOT in line with Conservative principles & is not good for Colorado
  • - SB200 sets the infrastructure into place from which ObamaCare is implemented, it is the “glue” that holds ObamaCare together.
  • - SB200 is a new, permanent bureaucracy of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats with a Democrat majority upon inception.
  • - SB200 PAVES the way for Single Payer Government Run Health Care with or WITHOUT Obamacare!
  • - SB200 Lobbyists have admitted that the exchange will not lower health care costs and "hope mandates will be reduced"
  • - The Legislative Council will be allowed to submit FIVE bills per session which means that during the 5 year "probation period" 25 bills will be submitted. 
  • - Do you trust the legislators to resist temptation of expanding the authority of the board?
  • - Do you trust the legislators to resist the temptation to increase regulations, mandates and taxes?
  • - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann(R-MN) states: “by accepting ObamaCare grants and planning for health care exchanges, states are giving credibility to a travesty that they will not be able to undo. In a vain attempt to hedge their bets, some opponents of ObamaCare are actually breathing life into the monstrosity that will soon pass a tipping point and become yet another unstoppable government entity.”
  • - State-run exchanges only work when MASSIVE subsides are part of and are only self-sustaining by assessing taxes(fees) throughout the entire process which INCREASES premiums.
  • - The Utah Exchange touted as a success has after 2 years and $600 million dollars only 100 businesses and 3000 lives covered!!
  • - The Utah Exchange has not lowered the cost of insurance but has increased the cost of premiums due to $516 annually in taxes (fees) tacked on to premiums.
  • - HHS Secretary Sebelius has created 459 pages of new regulations from only SIX pages of Obamacare - how many pages of new regulations will be created from SB200's 13 pages?
  • - Congressman Paul Ryan(R-WI)’s 2012 “budget starts by repealing the costly new government-run health care law, saving roughly $725 billion over ten years by repealing the new exchange subsidies and making sure that not a penny goes toward implementing the new law.”
  • - How can House Republicans vote for SB200 which ADDS to the federal debt while Congressional Representatives such as Ryan, Bachmann and King are working to DEFUND exchanges and cut government spending?
  • - Mark Steyn says: “Once you have government health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on freedom.” (Imprimis April 2009)
  • - Pacific Research Institute’s John Graham says: “Once we defeat ObamaCare totally, we can re-hash exchanges. As long as Obamacare exists, they are poison. Exchanges are the vehicles through which the gusher of cash from Obamacare’s tax hikes will be laundered into subsidies to favored health plans, payments to vendors and consultants, and salaried jobs for political appointees.”
  • - “An Exchange codified by a GOP-controlled legislature before a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court signals state acquiescense and compliance.” Minnesota Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom
  • - If Colorado Republicans vote for exchanges, President Obama may then use Colorado as his “gold-star” 2012 presidential re-election kick-off state, empowering Democrats across the state with more jump-start campaign momentum
  • For a good source of information on SB200 Insurance Exchange check out where Michelle Morin has created an excellent and easy to understand series on ObamaCare Health Care Exchanges
What are Some Solutions?
  • - The over-regulation of the health insurance industry which includes the 50+ mandates are key as to why premiums are so high - REMOVE the Mandates
  • - Arizona currently has legislation Senate Bill 1593 which focuses on encouraging competition and embracing free market principles by allowing insurance companies from other states to sell policies in Arizona that DO NOT have to offer the same mandates.  This allows companies and individuals to decide which policy works best for them based on the coverage provided and the price that works for them.  More information
  • - Senate Bill 11-019 by Sen. Keith King-R and Rep. Amy Stephens-R is a GREAT example of government getting out of the way and allowing small business owners decide for themselves what if anything to provide as a benefit to employees.  The bill removed a mandate that prevented companies that did not provide health insurance as a benefit from reimbursing employees the cost of their individual health policies.  What we need are more commonsense approaches such as this that reduce regulations, reduce the size of government and promotes free market.
  • - Learn from the lessons of this session and craft legislation that restores health care choices back to the patient i.e. the consumer,  that allows insurance to be purchased from ANY state and that removes the burdensome mandates. 
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Views: 20


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Comment by W. Branstetter on May 5, 2011 at 1:44am

So, Tuesday afternoon after 2 hours of comments from organizations "for" and quick pace through "against", the bill was sent to the Committee of the Whole (C.O.W.) in the House.  The "second reading" occurred within an hour or so.  Final reading happened Wednesday. 


Here is a report from Denver Post



Comment by W. Branstetter on May 3, 2011 at 4:51pm
SB11-200 was just passed and sent to the Committee of the Whole--to the House.
Comment by W. Branstetter on May 3, 2011 at 3:48am

Thank you for posting the Liberty Watch alert for this hearing.  Another group sent an alert indicating the hearing is in Room A in the Legislative Services Building and recommended arriving as early as 12:45 p.m.


The above post can be viewed at the following link where there are links to the e-mail addresses for the members of the committee which may be helpful for those people who cannot attend.




For reference to other bills pending refer to the May 1 Liberty Watch report:


or the "Bill Analysis" tab at the Republican Study Committee of Colorado web site:


One of our Colorado bloggers, Michelle Morin, has written 16 columns in recent weeks regarding the exchanges.  Her web site is:



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