According to Fredrick Lindner Peter both cried and endorsed Dan? I listened to the entire interview, and did not hear this. What am I missing? Accountability. Truth. Integrity. I agree. Lets start now!!!! Jason R. Clark, Independent for Governor of Colorado.

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Comment by Chairman's Committee on March 14, 2010 at 11:06am
Hey Jason,

I don't want to rain on your parade and I have never met you or recieved any kind of contact from you before, but if you would like to come to one of our meetings to introduce yourself feel free to contact me at any time. However if you want to talk about integrity I actually said. " Peter began to cry later in the show and is now backing Dan Maes for governor". Now I listened to the entire show and I forgot to include the next hour when Peter got very emotional and said "WE HAVE A CANDIDATE.". This conclusion is observed from the show itself at approximately 19 minutes into the third hour of the show until the very last few minutes before 9:00 when he began playing Queen's music, "We are the champions". Listen here. Approximately 20 minutes into the third hour Peter even talks about you Jason Clark and not in a possitive light. If you would like to clarify your position on the Cory Voorhis case please do.

Thank you for your comments
Fredrick Lindner
ATP coordinator

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