Some of the comments offered by three Aurora area legislators during their monthly townhall meeting (first Saturday) are enlightening for a portion of the 2013 legislative session.  The meeting was already in progress and not going the way the legislators wanted where the following video was started.  There is approximately 45 minutes of the meeting held March 2, 2013--two days before the cramped schedule for 7 gun-control bills in two Colorado senate committee hearings.

In the video, Senator Nancy Todd (SD-28) is in the red/orange sweater/blouse and pulls the "teacher card"; Representative John Buckner (HD-40) is a new representative and he may have been in education; Representative Su Ryden in the dark suit--all have eye-opening comments.

The person who has consistently promoted these monthly meetings is Senator Morgan Carroll (SD-29), but she was not available for this meeting.  There is an article in Westword from a few days earlier that regards another forum that the senator promotes that may offer some insight to this event.

I suspect the legislators may have been annoyed also with questions about the Constitution and even presented with pocket copies for reference.

The attendance was perhaps over 100 since the room had been expanded to accommodate the larger group.

Here is a report of a poll several weeks later:

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Wilma, thanks so much for posting this!

Keep in mind this townhall was last year (March 2013) just before the senate committees.  The townhall the four legislators (including Morgan Carroll) held in February 2013 brought in a full house of constituents and one of the first people to ask a question wanted to know of Morgan Carroll when they would start following the Constitution.  February meeting was perhaps more contentious and led to the legislators demanding all questions be submitted in writing in subsequent months.

It is good to know what some people will say--in their own words.

Yes, I noticed that it was from March, 2013, but still informative. Thank you for your tireless efforts in this cause!


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