There is an emergency Coalition meeting to be held soon.  Should the Arapahoe Tea Party remove their endorsement of Dan Maes who recievced this endorsement before the County Assembly?  Reply quickly what your opinion is below in the comments.

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Hi Steven,
You make a good point about it not being on the Website however Fredrick (ATP/Chairman) before you actively supported Dan Maes and signed a lot of his emails as Fredrick ATP/Chairman leading many of us (my self included) to believe that the ATP was in support of Maes. This may be why there is some confusion here.

Steven Haworth said:
Here is a list of supporters and endorsements on the web site: Dan Maes for Colorado Governor . I have searched his web site and I have been unable to find anything that links the ATP to an endorsement of Dan Maes. If there has been an endorsement of this candidate by the ATP, and anyone knows where there is public record of this endorsement, please let me know. There is certainly cause to discuss this among the members if an endorsement has been made.

My intention at this time for the ATP is to withhold endorsing any candidate for Governor of Colorado.

Please, comment as you see fit. Or send a private message, if that suits you better.

Steven Haworth

It seems that we need to clear up some of the confusion as to the endorsements issued prior to the Arapahoe County Assembly earlier this year. Some of our membership may not have been present at the time. At the time we were approximately one hundred members and taking a strong active role in finding candidates in the election process. As the county assembly was drawing near, we the quarum of active ATP members, decided to hold an on-line vote or straw poll which was conducted for endorsements of the candidates in the various races. A vote was held from late March to early April and the results were posted in a message one week prior to the County Assembly. Fliers were printed, of which there are close to 200 little yellow fliers with the current chairman Steven. From the results of this straw pole we identified Dan Maes for Governor, I don't remember the exact break down of the votes but it was highly in favor Dan. Also Tom Tancredo was not polled in this vote due that he supported McInnis.

Now as to the discussion which I authored on SEPTEMBER 2, 2010!!! For those that are newer and less active members, let me describe to you that part of my position as Coordinator for the Arapahoe County Tea Party was to represent our Liberty Group at the central Coalition meeting. This is a meeting held once a month with the various leadership from over a dozen 9.12, Tea Party, and other Liberty Groups of which in total represention is between 5-10 thousand members. That being said there was an emergency meeting held from which Dan Maes presented the actual facts of the misrepresentations. I tried to present the best information to you after the first dozen or so replies to my forum were reviewed. This discussion was for all intents and purposes closed due to no actual proof or data had come to light. Since then Tancredo supporters have attempted to use the forum to display their true agenda in not defeating Hickenlooper but rather destroy a good man.

My forum on the result of the meeting.

As to my former position as the Arapahoe County Tea Party Coordinator. I was the coordinator and not the chairman.

I hope that this has cleared up some of the misrepresentations made by the flagrantly misinformed.

Fredrick Lindner
former ATP Coordinator
The endorsements were made publically at the county assembly. Steven, you have the fliers on hand. I don't run the Dan Maes website so ask them why they havn't posted it. Don't act or pretend like we don't or have not endorsed anyone.

Fredrick Lindner
former ATP Coordinator

Joe Piccoli said:
Hi Steven,
You make a good point about it not being on the Website however Fredrick (ATP/Chairman) before you actively supported Dan Maes and signed a lot of his emails as Fredrick ATP/Chairman leading many of us (my self included) to believe that the ATP was in support of Maes. This may be why there is some confusion here.

Steven Haworth said:
Here is a list of supporters and endorsements on the web site: Dan Maes for Colorado Governor . I have searched his web site and I have been unable to find anything that links the ATP to an endorsement of Dan Maes. If there has been an endorsement of this candidate by the ATP, and anyone knows where there is public record of this endorsement, please let me know. There is certainly cause to discuss this among the members if an endorsement has been made.

My intention at this time for the ATP is to withhold endorsing any candidate for Governor of Colorado.

Please, comment as you see fit. Or send a private message, if that suits you better.

Steven Haworth
I wrote in response to an event posting regarding supporting Maes at the victory office earlier this week, and said that I could not support this organization during this election if it supports Maes. I liked him, voted for him in the primary, and lost any confidence I had in him as I watched his responses (tepid and inadequate) to the contradictions raised about his statements about his past. He cannot win. Tancredo can. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in support, a real conservative record, already up to 34% in the polls. Regardless of his current party affiliation, Tancredo will govern like the conservative Republican he has always been. Hickenlooser would be a disaster running this state. Not supporting a candidate is not an option. Tancredo is viable and would be an excellent governor.

Randy B Corporon said:
I wrote in response to an event posting regarding supporting Maes at the victory office earlier this week, and said that I could not support this organization during this election if it supports Maes. I liked him, voted for him in the primary, and lost any confidence I had in him as I watched his responses (tepid and inadequate) to the contradictions raised about his statements about his past. He cannot win. Tancredo can. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in support, a real conservative record, already up to 34% in the polls. Regardless of his current party affiliation, Tancredo will govern like the conservative Republican he has always been. Hickenlooser would be a disaster running this state. Not supporting a candidate is not an option. Tancredo is viable and would be an excellent governor.
Tancredo voted in favor of TARP and Bush bailouts, which is easily checked out. Tancredo is a one issue person, illegal Mexican's, which is great, but he's ignorant about everything else.
I wouldn't say that he is ignoant about everything else. That is a pretty broad statement. Wasn't he a congressman? I am sure he must have learned something then.

Michael J weber said:
Tancredo voted in favor of TARP and Bush bailouts, which is easily checked out. Tancredo is a one issue person, illegal Mexican's, which is great, but he's ignorant about everything else.
All else equal, I'm voting for Trancredo. He means what he says and says what he means, and while I don't always agree completely, I respect rare quality. Even so, Hicky's got it.

Michael J weber said:
Tancredo voted in favor of TARP and Bush bailouts, which is easily checked out. Tancredo is a one issue person, illegal Mexican's, which is great, but he's ignorant about everything else.
Tom Tancredo is introspective, intelligent, well spoken and well versed on both state and national issues. I met and have spent one-on-one time with him over the last two months, and found him to be sincere, humble, funny, compassionate, spiritual, and someone who radiates inner strength. I have heard others talk about his charity and silent support of causes and individuals over the years. He has been married to Jackie for 33 years, and they have two children and five grandchildren.

Dan Maes sought out Tom's counsel and support long before Dan won the State Assembly, won the Primary, self-destructed, and became Tom's wounded and fading opponent.

The belief that Tom is a one issue candidate (an issue we all agree is critical to our state, illegal immigration) is a common and understandable misconception fueled by the way Tom is portrayed by his opponents and the lame-stream media. The fact that Tom temporarily ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 to (successfully) force the illegal immigration issue into the debates, and led the successful opposition to George W. Bush's immigration policies and plan to grant ammnesty to 10-20 million "undocumented" workers adds to the one-issue image. Tom's first book, The Battle for America's Border and Security, was published in 2006, but his history and experience go far beyond defending our national and state borders.

Tom is a Denver native from a blue-collar family. He worked at Elitch's for 10 years and rose from sweeper to assistant park manager. He used this income and summer work to attend and graduate from the University of Northern Colorado.

Tom taught high school civics in Colorado at Drake High School until he was elected to the Colorado state legislature in 1978. His first proposal was a bill limiting the number of bills an individual legislator could introduce. He was part of a freshman group of conservatives that got rid of state taxes on inheritance, car safety inspection stickers, food and utilities.

He resigned in 1981 to accept an appointment in the Reagan administration where he served as the Regional Representative to the Secretary of Education. He was reappointed to that position by President George H. W. Bush. Tom beat back Democratic Congresswoman Pat Schroeder and the teachers' unions and successfully downsized the regional Department of Education office by almost 75%, from 220 employees to approximately 60.

In 1993, Tom accepted the presidency of the Independence Institute, and dramatically grew its membership, revenue stream and influence during his tenure. Tom was a panelist for years on Colorado Inside Out on Channel 12. He has and continues to speak out on radio, TV and in the press on issues such as energy, higher education, school choice, parents' rights, and the impact of government regulation and taxation on business and job growth.

Tom served in the U.S. House of Representatives for ten years. He won each election with (from memory) over 60% of the vote. He is surging in the polls and his financial support has been strong. You are seeing and hearing his ads all over. He is now turning his attention on Hickenlooser, and will be exposing the job-killing, "fee" (meaning tax) raising, extremely liberal record and belief system of the Democrat candidate.

Tom can win this election. I urge the group to throw their unified support behind Tom. I would be happy to host a meeting with Tom for members of the group if we can get a sufficient number of people to make it a productive use of Tom's time. I am confident that Tom would be willing to come.

I love that we are all awake, active, and working to defend our country and state from this tax and spend assault that has been unleashed. I hope to see our group become a force and a voice in the future. While we are all focused on November 2, 2010, it is only a start. The prospects for conservatives in 2012 are phenomenal due to the number of additional national Democrat seats (more than this year) that will be in play.

Vote with pride.

Michael J weber said:
Tancredo voted in favor of TARP and Bush bailouts, which is easily checked out. Tancredo is a one issue person, illegal Mexican's, which is great, but he's ignorant about everything else.
I am definitely voting for Tom Tancredo--with pride.

Randy B Corporon said:
Tom Tancredo is introspective, intelligent, well spoken and well versed on both state and national issues. I met and have spent one-on-one time with him over the last two months, and found him to be sincere, humble, funny, compassionate, spiritual, and someone who radiates inner strength. I have heard others talk about his charity and silent support of causes and individuals over the years. He has been married to Jackie for 33 years, and they have two children and five grandchildren.

Dan Maes sought out Tom's counsel and support long before Dan won the State Assembly, won the Primary, self-destructed, and became Tom's wounded and fading opponent.

The belief that Tom is a one issue candidate (an issue we all agree is critical to our state, illegal immigration) is a common and understandable misconception fueled by the way Tom is portrayed by his opponents and the lame-stream media. The fact that Tom temporarily ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 to (successfully) force the illegal immigration issue into the debates, and led the successful opposition to George W. Bush's immigration policies and plan to grant ammnesty to 10-20 million "undocumented" workers adds to the one-issue image. Tom's first book, The Battle for America's Border and Security, was published in 2006, but his history and experience go far beyond defending our national and state borders.

Tom is a Denver native from a blue-collar family. He worked at Elitch's for 10 years and rose from sweeper to assistant park manager. He used this income and summer work to attend and graduate from the University of Northern Colorado.

Tom taught high school civics in Colorado at Drake High School until he was elected to the Colorado state legislature in 1978. His first proposal was a bill limiting the number of bills an individual legislator could introduce. He was part of a freshman group of conservatives that got rid of state taxes on inheritance, car safety inspection stickers, food and utilities.

He resigned in 1981 to accept an appointment in the Reagan administration where he served as the Regional Representative to the Secretary of Education. He was reappointed to that position by President George H. W. Bush. Tom beat back Democratic Congresswoman Pat Schroeder and the teachers' unions and successfully downsized the regional Department of Education office by almost 75%, from 220 employees to approximately 60.

In 1993, Tom accepted the presidency of the Independence Institute, and dramatically grew its membership, revenue stream and influence during his tenure. Tom was a panelist for years on Colorado Inside Out on Channel 12. He has and continues to speak out on radio, TV and in the press on issues such as energy, higher education, school choice, parents' rights, and the impact of government regulation and taxation on business and job growth.

Tom served in the U.S. House of Representatives for ten years. He won each election with (from memory) over 60% of the vote. He is surging in the polls and his financial support has been strong. You are seeing and hearing his ads all over. He is now turning his attention on Hickenlooser, and will be exposing the job-killing, "fee" (meaning tax) raising, extremely liberal record and belief system of the Democrat candidate.

Tom can win this election. I urge the group to throw their unified support behind Tom. I would be happy to host a meeting with Tom for members of the group if we can get a sufficient number of people to make it a productive use of Tom's time. I am confident that Tom would be willing to come.

I love that we are all awake, active, and working to defend our country and state from this tax and spend assault that has been unleashed. I hope to see our group become a force and a voice in the future. While we are all focused on November 2, 2010, it is only a start. The prospects for conservatives in 2012 are phenomenal due to the number of additional national Democrat seats (more than this year) that will be in play.

Vote with pride.

Michael J weber said:
Tancredo voted in favor of TARP and Bush bailouts, which is easily checked out. Tancredo is a one issue person, illegal Mexican's, which is great, but he's ignorant about everything else.

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