There is an emergency Coalition meeting to be held soon.  Should the Arapahoe Tea Party remove their endorsement of Dan Maes who recievced this endorsement before the County Assembly?  Reply quickly what your opinion is below in the comments.

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I need to know more information.
Either Maes or Tancredo need to back out of the race or Hickenlooper us a shoe in. I am currently supporting Tancredo
1)Remove the endorsement immediately
2)Open discussion on endorsing another candidate or none at all.
I can't support Dan Maes, I like Tom.
Radio just reported changes to ballots would have to be made immediately as ballot printing is set to begin....very little time for replacement if that is the goal....otherwise if Maes backed out and was removed from ballot that would leave Tancredo to face Hickie alone.
The latest flap over the asserted "undercover work", as presented in this morning's Denver Post, may be the straw that broke the camel's back regarding the Maes candidacy. Nevertheless, I think we have to ask ourselves, what effect would withdrawing our endorsement have, other than to save face on our part? Would it add incentive for Dan to withdraw from the race, and would such a withdrawal come in time for the GOP to find a different candidate and get his/her name on the ballot? (Perhaps, but only if Maes were to withdraw very soon.) If Dan withdrew, would Tancredo also be likely to withdraw? I think not. In that case, should we endorse Tancredo? I would oppose that.

In addition to Hank Brown's backing out of his endorsement of Dan, it was reported this morning that John Andrews has done the same, and Bob Beauprez has also called for Dan to step down.

Without a doubt, these "reverse-endorsements" will further limit Dan's ability to raise campaign money. I would therefore suggest that the ATP call upon Dan to to provide full and clear explanations to the various allegations that have been made or, if unable to do so, we and the rest of the Liberty Coalition will drop our endorsement of his campaign.
I was originally a Dan Maes supporter. I don't feel I can still support him with all of the questions surround him at the present time. As a registered Republican I don't believe in supporting him just because he has an R behind his name. Ethics and integrity come first in my book. I vote to withdraw our support.
We should remove our endorsement. Although I have supported him in the past, I think the recent revelation of his dishonesty shows his poor character. He should not be governor. I will probably support Tancredo if Maes does not step down (as he should) and no other candidate is found.

Mary Reinker
Yes. Although I have not seen evidence of Dan doing anything criminally wrong, the growing number of questionalble issues and stretching the truth is a major distraction and negates his ability to be an effective candidate.

That being said, I will still vote for the Republican candidate even if it is still Dan. I will not give the Conservative leadership to a minor third party.
I believe that Dan Maes has lost the momentum which happens soooo easily in politics and right, wrong or indifferent, it has happened. Pointing the finger at the responsible party behind the dimeniuation of Dan Maes' reputation is not relevant at this point since the election is less than 70 days away and Friday a new candidate can be presented by the republican party. It is a tough choice considering the people behind this, thier motivies, and the timeline.

I personally joined the Tea Party because neither party represented the people but their self interests. My forefathers made tough and difficult choices and made them contrary to public opinion and what seemed to be pragmatic. Taking on the most powerful nation in the world in 1776 was a very tough decision and now taking on Peter Boils (sp but I do not care about spelling his name correctly) and the Republican old guard is little compared to what our forefathers did. I do and will support the nominee for Governor by the Republican party "Dan Maes", if he too will come out candidly and meet these accusations formidably.
Randy Collins
He is not the perfect candidate, however if we abandon him now we will get Hickenloper as our Governor.

Which do you want ?

Maes will be on the ballot, and the only way to beat Hickenlicker is for all of us to vote for him. Beating Hichenlicker is all that maters. Tancredo never did anything but but talk about illegal Mexican's, teach school, and make a mess in an ammusement park.

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