We are at the cross roads on Immigration. On the one side we have millions of law breakers who demand that we must not enforce our laws,but reform our laws to accommodate them. On the other side, we have those who insist that ours is the land of laws and everyone must obey the laws. It is true that Immigration is going out of control and there is a huge back log of those who want to migrate here legally and they have been waiting for more than 10 years. If we want to be compassionate to the strangers and aliens of our world today, those law-abiding foreigners who desperately want to come to America and are patiently awaiting their turn, we need to be certain they don’t get squeezed out unfairly by those who broke the law and pushed ahead of them in line.
Then, we have millions of people who have either paid large sums of money to the coyotes to enter the USA from Mexico, Philippines, China, India, the Middle East, Europe and South America or have sneaked inside through the open borders. The black market for illegal immigrants is thriving. The whole world wants to move inside the USA. Can we accommodate them all? Certainly not. But not according to the Attorney General Holder. He says, “AMNESTY IS THE CIVIL RIGHTS FOR THE ILLEGALS”. Does it mean that we must grant full citizenship to 7 billion people from all over the world? Muslim Terrorists as well as the white collar workers are coming here in droves through our open Mexican border. President Reagan gave amnesty out of Christian Compassion. Later on he had his own regrets for this as well as for not IMPLEMENTING THE LAWS ON EMPLOYMENT AND NOT CLOSING THE BORDERS. The result is 30 million illegals are draining our economy and causing serious threat to our national Security. President Bush was a compassionate conservative. He failed to protect the US citizens and the laws of our land. The current administration has no respect for our constitution and our own laws. America became an exceptional land primarily because of its respect for the law and its constitution which is based on the Bible and the 10 commandments(John Adams). Today, we have totally ignored the laws and we have politicized this issue and we the people have become political pawns in the hands of corrupt politicians. Our God Given rights are being trampled..
How did we end up here? By violating God’s laws as well as our own. We have anchor moms who get pregnant and SNEAK inside our border somehow or other and give birth to Children who automatically become citizens and they are the channels for chain migration. This is a violation of the 14th Amendment of our Constitution. Can this happen in any other country? No. Only in the USA. If Poverty is the cause for breaking the law, then, God will provide if people will obey our laws and apply the principles described in Proverbs. God will not bless anyone for breaking the law including Christians(Deuteronomy 28:1-30). Is this a problem for the US Government? No. Is this the problem for the US Tax payer? No. It is the problem with the Mexican Government. These people must join forces and reform their own government rather than being a burden on the US. Enough is Enough.
Joseph and Mary obeyed the laws of the land. King Herod felt deceived after the Wise men did not return to the King . Then he issued an order to kill all the new born babies. Obeying the laws of the land meant sacrificing the baby Jesus for Joseph and Mary. They had to save the baby Jesus and still obey the laws. God provided a way of escape for them through a dream to escape the wrath of the king. They obeyed God and the laws of the land. They left the country and thus they saved our Savior.
We also have greedy employers in search of cheap labor. Even a white collar illegal makes $60,000/ year. These are all Christians who do not even consider that they have broken our laws. They even criticize their own employers for paying them less than a US citizen. This is the price for breaking our laws. Romans13:1-2 is very clear about this. It clearly states that all authority comes from God and we are all subject to this authority including all our civic laws. If we disobey our civic laws, we are disobeying God. God is a God of Grace and Mercy. He also commands all of us to obey the laws of the land. God’s grace is not a license to break any law.
Who is guilty for the massive inflow of illegals? It Is the US Government for keeping the borders open. For the Democrats, massive influx of illegals is a guarantee of 15 millions of new voters. The corrupt politicians want open borders to get reelected. But, for the country, it is a serious threat to its national security. How many illegals are there in the USA today? The Government projected this as 11 million after 9/11. How is it that the Government has not changed this number after 10 years with an open border? We also learn that there are tunnels on the southern border with Big,Flat Screen TV’s. In reality, the number of illegals living here must be close to 30 million. This is not migration. But, this is silent invasion. Perhaps, we could have avoided the recent tragedy in Boston if we had closed our borders. This is the same explosive device that is being used in warzones in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Is it not the time to close the borders and enforce our laws?
Open border is similar to a leaking engine. Instead of sealing the leak first(CLOSE THE BORDERS) we keep adding more oil. Oneday, the engine will break down. In our case we will not have a country anymore. US citizenship is up for GRABS.
No country can sustain itself if there are no borders, language and culture. Just because the borders are open, is it an invitation for the illegal’s to walk in? No. they are still under the law. For example, there is a mansion loaded with diamonds, gold and other valuables. But the doors are open. Does it mean that anyone can walk in and steal the valuables? No. Why? It is still someone else’s home. No one else has any right to that mansion except those who have the titles to that home. Same principle applies to our open borders. It is still wrong for a foreigner to enter our open borders as his/her citizenship is in another country. God is watching everyone. He is a God of justice and righteousness. This is what He requires from all of us. Righteousness exalts a nation that respects its own laws. Lawlessness will destroy any nation. Today we have become a a lawless society. A third world Banana Republic.
Lord Jesus chastised the thieves and robbers in the temple as they broke the laws. Lord Jesus was falsely accused and condemned before the King with no evidence. He was condemned as guilty before He could prove His innocence. Yet, He never opened His mouth. He stood like an innocent lamb ready to be sacrificed. He could have commanded an earthquake at once to stop this. He did not do it. He still obeyed the law even to the point of being persecuted and sacrificed. He was obedient to His Father as well as to the King. When our Lord Jesus Himself obeyed the law, what gives these people as well as the church leaders the right to break our laws? Who gave them the moral authority to fight for the rights of the illegal’s who broke our laws? Now, it is totally unfair to the American Tax payer It is POLITICAL PANDERING to sustain the power by the DemocRATS.
The unequivocal support of the Latinos to the Democratic Party is primarily because of the Obama Care which provides free health care to the illegals. This is not really free as it is a burden on every US Tax payer. JESUS CALLED UPON THE RICH TO CARE FOR THE POOR. This is only voluntary call to the individual believers.This is the duty of the Church and we obeyed this call very well. It is not the duty of the Government to redistribute wealth by taking the wealth from Paul and give it to Peter. Then the Government will bankrupt Paul. Taxing the rich is stealing from Paul. Moreover, we cannot sustain Free services and also more free services to the chain migrants (Illegal). Bible does not condone wealth redistribution. The parable of the talents requires us to use our God given talents to grow and multiply what we have. Then we will have the resources to care for the poor and needy. The role of the government is to protect our individual God given liberties as well as to provide opportunities for everyone to prosper. When 80 millions are out of work, all the illegals are happily employed. This means, they are stealing jobs from Tax payers who are losing their homes, cars and families. Is this fair to the US taxpayer? Can any Government allow this? THE MIDDLE CLASS IS BECOMING AN ENDANGERED SPECIES.
In the book of Genesis God commanded Adam to toil, be productive and grow the wealth. This applies for today. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon commands us to be diligent and work hard for prosperity. This is Entrepreneurship and Free market. However, the Governmental policy is to block every effort to grow the economy and create jobs for everyone. The government is also punishing those who are prosperous and successful. As a result, 80 million are out of work. The unemployment among blacks is 25% There is economic stagnation. Tax Revenue is very low. We failed to apply God’s laws for economic growth.
GLOBAL WARMING HOAX: When God asked Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth, He had already made the provisions for just not 7Billion people,but for 7000 billion people. How? If we bring the people (7 billion) from allover the world and put them in California, we will still have plenty of room because we have not filled the earth. We will never fill the earth as we do not make enough babies. Why do we have an over abundance of oil and coal? These are the most efficient forms of energy besides the nuclear fuel God had given us because He knew well that the 21st century man will need the fuel for his cars. We are strangulating our own economy by refusing to explore the God given source of energy. If only we will explore these, then our economy will blossom. Our energy resources are under captivity by the Godless Environmental activists who worship themselves and the nature.
I was a stranger and you took me in (Mathew 25:35) This scripture has been misinterpreted by the clergy to include the illegal aliens. Yes we, the Christians have obeyed the call of God to care for the widow, orphan, and the hungry. God loves the stranger, we’re told. They should be treated with respect and dignity. They should not be mistreated. These foreigners should be given food and clothing when they are in need. That’s the clear message of the Bible – treat law-abiding foreigners and aliens with love and compassion. We the Americans are the most compassionate people on earth. There is a food and clothing bank in almost every church to care for the hungry and the naked.
We have followed God’s commandment and still obeyed the laws of the land. Stretching this scripture to Aid and Abet the illegals is nothing but, breaking our laws as well as political pandering . The duty of the church is only to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the poor and the illegals. They have broken our laws willfully. Before God as well as men, they are guilty. Those who are here illegally must come out and seek protection and face the consequences. They must also understand and accept the consequences for breaking our laws. Finally, those Catholics and the Evangelical Christians who stretch the scripture in terms of compassion are violating God’s as well as civic laws. The primary role of the church is to make disciples and extend God’s kingdom. Are we making Disciples? No. we are actively pursuing membership drives every year. So, fighting for the Illegals is a form of membership drive for these dying churches. We have a 2 tier legal system: one for the law abiding citizens and the other for those who break our laws. The IRS had spent 6 Billion dollars for Earned Income TaxCredit for children who are not even in this country. This is daylight Robbery. This is an unnecessary burden on the law abiding citizens. We as a country cannot sustain this any longer. We must enforce our laws given by God. The British Prime Minister Thatcher applied this principle and Britain prospered. The new Government allowed Massive immigration and the British Economy is hurting. Tyranny, lawlessness and Illegal immigration will destroy any nation. But, righteousness, justice and fairness will exalt a nation. Politicking for the illegals will only destroy our nation. The entire world wants to move into the USA. Can we handle this? No. Certainly not. Currently we have close to 30 million living here. They are no longer in the shadows. They are even protesting all across the country. They are all happily employed whereas the Middleclass American is unemployed. Sen.Rubio is wrong again. This is almost a silent invasion. Why? It is our greedy employers who want cheap labor. Bible does not condone this at all. Fair wages must be paid for all the labor. If we must exercise compassion, we must also obey the laws. Compassion and respect for the law must go together. If we ignore the rule of the law, and exercise only compassion, this country cannot sustain itself. Why is our world full of greed, violence, and crimes? We have violated the 10 commandments. God’s laws have been abandoned. As followers of Christ, we must obey all our laws as all authority comes from God. He who disobeys authority disobeys God (Romans 13:1-2) .
During the past 20 years, the construction industry has been taken over by the Mexican immigrants. Now, the trucking industry is also being taken over by the Mexican immigrants. As a result, the wages for the middle class have dropped significantly that they are unemployed. My friend has been contractor for his life. During the past few years, he has been unemployed. Why? He will not hire any illegal. This means, his overhead expenses are high. Whereas his competitor gets all the contracts as he hires only the illegals. Does anyone care about him? No. How long can he sustain himself? We have created a 2 tier legal system. Those who break our laws do not pay any penalty. But, only the law abiding citizen bears the burden of the illegal. Does anyone care about the American middle class family? This is disappearing. President Obama wants USA to be a 3rd world country where there are only 2 classes. The rich and the poor. Our policies and actions must be focused primarily on the struggling US middle class citizen. But not bending over backwards to accommodate the illegal. This is America and this is our country. THE POLITICIANS MUST VOTE AGAINST ANY BILL THAT PUTS THE ILLEGAL OVER AND ABOVE THE US CITIZEN. WHERE ARE OUR RIGHTS?
What about the children? They had no choice when their parents came here to the USA. They had to follow their parents. Why should they be punished? Whose problem is this? Is it the problem for the US Government? No. Is it the problem for the US tax payer? No. Then who should bear the responsibility for the Children of parents who broke our laws? THE PARENTS.THEY BROKE OUR LAWS WILLFULLY. There is consequence for every action. The parents hold the responsibility for their children. No US citizen must be taxed because the parents broke our laws. What is the solution? The entire family must go home and come here legally though it is a long and tiresome process. God does not want anyone to break any law. We must obey our laws as well as the 10 commandments.
We have already bent backwards in giving in state tuition to the illegals. Children of the middle class America cannot get in state tuition. But the children of the illegals can get it. Is this fair to the middle class tax payer?
Churches are torn apart between compassion and the rule of the law. Churches must exercise compassion. If the churches will involve in Politicking on illegal immigration, they are violating the laws of the land. Then, they must lose their tax exempt status. Finally, God blesses those who obey the Law (Deuteronomy 28:1-15) God also sends curses upon those who break the law (Deuteronomy 28:15-30). Our God is a God of Love and Mercy. He forgives. Yet, He commands us to obey all His commandments. Why? They are good for an exceptional land of the Free like the USA.
Cooker’s amendment to the Amnesty bill is a lipstick on the AMNESTY pig. This was a clever gimmick by the Democrats to deceive the Republicans who are weak on every issue and get their support and it was done. All these men and women must be recalled.
What is the solution? The solution is with the parents. If they are Christians, they must obey the laws of God as well as the laws of our land. The entire family must go home and return legally. Then it will be beneficial to both the illegals as well as the US tax payer. This is only Fair to everyone. We must abide by our constitution. Then all our rights will be protected. Churches must stay out of this as the duty of the church is only to provide for the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the congregation. It is not the duty of the church to AID and ABET illegals which is against the law. We shouldn’t be mean to those lawbreakers, either. We shouldn’t mistreat them. We should even forgive them. But they have to leave.
They haven’t been invited. They are not our guests. They are not just strangers; they are trespassers. They need to go back home and get in line like everyone else waiting to enter our country lawfully. They are victimizing others – both citizens and those legally awaiting citizenship opportunities. There’s nothing compassionate about enabling that kind of behavior. Finally Deuteronomy 27:17: is a very relevant Scripture. It is “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor’s landmark. Senator Rubio, you are dead wrong. And all the Christians say,” Amen.”
Philip C Sekar,PhD, Divya Medical Devices,
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