A fine man is being destroyed by the GOP, a certain early morning talk show host, the Denver Post, and the fine wonderful leaders who seem to have lost their spine.
Repeat a lie often and the people will believe it.
It just amazes me that so many people will tell you the don't trust the media and then listen to the lies they spread. Do you not understand they are looking for a story to sell newspapers or radio commercials ?
Please go to
WWW.Danmaes.com and listen to the explanations Dan gives for these various accusations against him. If you don't believe him then do what your conscience tells you to and welcome Hickenlooper.
I will never abandon a fellow conservative when they are under attack, never.
Full disclosier: I volunteer in his office in Englewood and listen to lots of conversations that Dan has in that office. NEVER has one been anything but above board. Never. That is why I believe him.