Time: July 29, 2014 from 12pm to 3pm
Location: Lincoln Park, Veterans Memorial, Denver
Street: Between Lincoln and Broadway south of Colfax Avenue
City/Town: Denver, Colorado
Website or Map: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/a…
Event Type: rally against epa rule
Organized By: [posted by W. Branstetter]
Latest Activity: Jul 27, 2014
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Speakers at the anti-EPA rules rally include:
Bob Beauprez, candidate for governor
Ray Scott, state rep.
Dustin Zvonek, Americans for Prosperity
Michael Sandoval, Independence Institute
Ray Beck, Craig City Council
many others including dignitaries from Wyoming and Montana
Please read the complete article and the links that are included:
The Independence Institute in Denver covers many issues including energy. The papers Michael Sandoval and Amy Oliver have written are available at:
Americans for Prosperity Colorado has a registration form at Eventbrite that has information and a map. Please sign up there since AFP is one of the organizers for the event.
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