Well I have some ideas for what a Tea Party could mean for Colorado.  For starters it can raise awareness outside of the two-party system on topics of true concerns for us here in Colorado.  Also we can organize into a fund raiser for candidates and media events to gain focus to important issues of our choosing.  Working together we can accomplish so much more than as single citizens making a vote every two years.

What are your thoughts?

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With more members active in an organization that can fund raise to produce media and news is a powerful thing. I think that the next time that Ed Perlmutter comes up for re-election we will complete our goals of the CD 7 research team and conduct our media towards removing this leftist congressman.
**Perhaps the Arapahoe County Tea party would be well served by a Libertarian, independent, 3rd party,or libertarian leaning Republican(ie Ron Paul supporter) in one of the leadership roles? While I myself am not interested in leading the county Tea Party I,and I am sure other county Libertarians, may be interested in possibly pitching in to support non-partisan liberty/fiscal conservatism ideals...Your thoughts?
Tom Sullivan (proud Libertarian)
I agree Tom

The focus would be to keep the group to the fiscal issues. Once an organization gets pulled into the social issues, which have no basis for federal regulation, the group will be divided and split without support or movement.

Also, keep in mind that I am strongly founded in Libertarian Ideas, however I understand the misbalance of third party systems destroying strong coalitions. Time and History has repeated itself dozens if not hundreds of times to reinforce that arguement.
I am open to considering any approach and stance that generates membership, enthusiasm and productive action.

But, it seems to me that the most important step for our new national movement is to find and get elected candidates who understand, revere and will uphold the constitution. Until we have majorities in positions of power, the idea of pushing specific fiscal and/or social issues seems premature. Stop the growth of government and government power, end the out of control spending, repeal Obamacare, secure our borders, then start developing and pushing more specific policies.

Without the right people holding the majority of positions of power, any and all of those basic minimum requirements to turn our nation around are a pipe dream. The conservative wave, grand as it was, was only a first step. Republicans have control of only one (very important) segment of government (state and federal in our case), and new Tea Party and conservative elected officials are only a portion of that group. We need to be focused on finding people and resources to elect them.

The Democrats are planning, developing and funding their ground game right now. Republicans aren't, and we certainly aren't. Fred Lindler's idea of targeting Perlmutter in 2012 is an excellent one. Policy wonking seems, to me, at this stage in our germination and with 2012 just around the corner, a great big waste of time.

Keep things simple. After Tancredo pulled his BS, to get Hichenpicker elected, so he could make more money giving speaches about illegal Mexican's, we need to clean out the Colorado Republican Party. We need a Tea Party alternative to the corrupt Cororado Republican's. Independant's voted at a higher number for Hickenpicker,

The party leadership positions are all up for elections this spring.  If everyone has followed the provided templates that have been provided then we can surely find acceptable leadership to fill the chairman positions at the County, State, & National positions.  Let us see about collaborating on who the Tea Party would find acceptable and ask them to run for the seat.

Michael J weber said:

Keep things simple. After Tancredo pulled his BS, to get Hichenpicker elected, so he could make more money giving speaches about illegal Mexican's, we need to clean out the Colorado Republican Party. We need a Tea Party alternative to the corrupt Cororado Republican's. Independant's voted at a higher number for Hickenpicker,

HI Fredrick:

  I think one thing that has been coming up a lot is that we (conservatives) are absent in the local government positions, of which we need to become familiar with and become active in.  That's where it could start. This means going to city council meetings, attending school board meetings and running for these offices. 


Another is being prepared to talk to the media on what our positions are and where we stand. It won't be easy getting everyone to agree on anything that's "standard", but if we could just encourage members to maybe come up with their own 2 minute commercial which capsulates why they are involved with a tea party organization.


Finally, we as a group will need to attract more independent votors if we expect to win in 2012.  As a group, it would be helpful to come up with specific strategies of what it will take to appeal to this group.  If anybody in ATP land is an independent, it would great for you to comment on this point so we know what initially attracted you.  Let's talk!

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