Grassroots Governor Preference Poll

by 912 Liberty Circle on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 10:17pm

Considering all the twists in our governor's race this year as well as the non-stop media attention/events since August 10th, it would really help all our groups to have an indication of how the grassroots' views of this race are currently distributed.  The 9-12 Project coalition has set up a quick 7-question survey that will offer much more insight than a simple poll vote and is specific to the liberty movement.  Also, for the actual poll question we have included all the candidates that will appear on the ballot and note that all questions must be answered for the survey to be submitted.


The survey will end at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 21st and so take the survey as soon as it is convenient for you:


I understand that many of us belong to more than one liberty group and so please only take the survey one time so that the results can be as reliable as possible. 


These are turbulent times and that is to be expected when the balance of power is shifting and there is a movement to stop the erosion of the Constitution and the Principles our country was founded on.  Let us remember to focus on what we agree on and work together assuring that liberty and freedom remain secure for us and future generations and be thankful that as Americans we are each free to vote for whoever we choose.  In difficult times it is important that we remember to stay on the high road, walk the talk of principles and values and most important keep the faith. 


United We Stand – Divided We Fall


In Liberty,


Nancy Rumfelt

912 Project Liberty Circle





Note:  Nancy Rumfelt is one of the leaders of the many conservative groups and organizer who assisted with some of the training programs from the last year or so.  It is my opinion that many of the leaders will use this survey to quantify the comments they have been seeing in their groups. 


I would encourage everyone to take the few minutes to respond to the 7 questions on the survey.



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With just two days left on this survey, closing at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 21st, I encourage folks who have not taken the time to respond to the 7 questions on this survey to do so as soon as possible. This survey has been posted through the various Colorado 9-12, Tea Party, and other liberty groups' web sites and Facebook pages. If you have already responded, the leaders appreciate your time and considered input. One response is all that is necessary.

Please refer to the original announcement posted above for information and the link, again, is:
Reminder, the survey included all of the candidates for governor:

If the election for Governor were held today, who would you vote for?
John Hickenlooper DEM
Dan Maes REP
Jaimes Brown LIB
Tom Tancredo ACP
Jason R. Clark UNA
Paul Noel Fiorino UNA
Willie Travis Chambers (Write-in) DEM
Michael R. Moore (Write-in) UNA
Sherry Cusson (Write-in) UNA
Peter J. Carr (Write-in) NONE
Holly Cremeens (Write-in) UNA
Not voting for Governor


The results of the survey were sent out via e-mail and Facebook messages. The results are:

Grassroots Governor's Poll Results
.by 912 Liberty Circle on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 7:57am.

The following is the results of the Grassroots Governor’s Poll which was set up to not only provide information on who people are supporting but also to breakdown the preferences by region in the state, party affiliation and 912 or tea party member. A total of 1,477 votes were received and the survey was sent to over 40 9-12, tea party and other conservative groups and while the survey is not scientific the response was large enough to provide insight on the Governor’s race.

Party Affilation of participants:

ACP=12 (0.81%)

Dem=16 (1.08%)

Lib=31 (2.10%)

Rep=1303 (88.22%)

Una=102 (6.91%)

Other=13 (0.88%)

Grassroots Membership of participants:

912 Project=273 (18.5%)

Tea Party=282 (19%)

912 & Tea Party=276 (18.7%)

Other Conservative Group=85 (5.8%)

Multiple Groups=250 (17%)

None=311 (21%)

912 Project/Tea Party Votes:

Maes: 418

Tancredo: 378

Others: 18

Undervote: 17

Other Grassroots Groups, Multiple Groups & None:

Maes: 285

Tancredo: 290

Others: 40

Undervote: 31

Votes by Region:

Northern Colo: Maes-117 Tancredo-161 Others-16 Undervote-10

Western Slope: Maes-116 Tancredo-29 Others-2 Undervote-4

Colo. Springs: Maes-173 Tancredo-43 Others-4 Undervote-6

Metro Denver Area: Maes-177 Tancredo-393 Others-29 Undervote-26

Eastern Plains: Maes-42 Tancredo-30 Others-2 Undervote-1

Southern Colo: Maes-78 Tancredo-12 Others-5 Undervote-1

Maes vs. Tancredo: Non-Republicans

174 Votes

Maes: 25 (14%)

Tancredo: 109 (63%)

Maes/Tancredo only by Region

NoCo: 38.49% / 52.96%

Western Slope: 76.82% / 19.21%

Colo Springs: 76.55% / 19.03%

Metro Area: 28.32% / 62.88%

Eastern Plains: 56.00% / 40.00%

SoCo Maes: 81.25% / 12.50%

Summary of Votes:

Maes: 703 (47.6%)

Tancredo: 668 (45.23%)

Others: 58 (3.93%)

Undervote: 48 (3.25%)


Earlier this evening (Thursday 09/23/2010) I got another telephone call for a poll. It seems like since going to the precinct caucus last spring there has been a call from any of about 6 or 7 polling firms just about every couple of weeks. Sometimes the frequency is even a couple of times a week. Tonight the poll was specific to the Colorado governor's race. Before this year, I do not remember ever receiving calls for political polls. Think the one tonight was Quinnipiac. Is anyone else had so many calls for polls as this year?


As I was looking for the above liberty groups poll information, I found someone had sent me a link to another poll which also pertains to the governor race:
Grassroots Governor's Poll Results
by 912 Liberty Circle on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 7:57am

The following is the results of the Grassroots Governor’s Poll which was set up to not only provide information on who people are supporting but also to breakdown the preferences by region in the state, party affiliation and 912 or tea party member. A total of 1,477 votes were received and the survey was sent to over 40 9-12, tea party and other conservative groups and while the survey is not scientific the response was large enough to provide insight on the Governor’s race.

Party Affilation of participants:
ACP=12 (.81%)
Dem=16 (1.08%)
Lib=31 (2.10%)
Rep=1303 (88.22%)
Una=102 (6.91%)
Other=13 (.88%)

Grassroots Membership of participants:
912 Project=273 (18.5%)
Tea Party=282 (19%)
912 & Tea Party=276 (18.7%)
Other Conservative Group=85 (5.8%)
Multiple Groups=250 (17%)
None=311 (21%)

912 Project/Tea Party Votes:
Maes: 418
Tancredo: 378
Others: 18
Undervote: 17

Other Grassroots Groups, Multiple Groups & None:
Maes: 285
Tancredo: 290
Others: 40
Undervote: 31

Votes by Region:
Northern Colo: Maes-117 Tancredo-161 Others-16 Undervote-10
Western Slope: Maes-116 Tancredo-29 Others-2 Undervote-4
Colo. Springs: Maes-173 Tancredo-43 Others-4 Undervote-6
Metro Denver Area: Maes-177 Tancredo-393 Others-29 Undervote-26
Eastern Plains: Maes-42 Tancredo-30 Others-2 Undervote-1
Southern Colo: Maes-78 Tancredo-12 Others-5 Undervote-1

Maes vs. Tancredo: Non-Republicans
174 Votes
Maes: 25 (14%)
Tancredo: 109 (63%)

Maes/Tancredo only by Region
NoCo: 38.49% / 52.96%
Western Slope: 76.82% / 19.21%
Colo Springs: 76.55% / 19.03%
Metro Area: 28.32% / 62.88%
Eastern Plains: 56.00% / 40.00%
SoCo Maes: 81.25% / 12.50%

Summary of Votes:
Maes: 703 (47.6%)
Tancredo: 668 (45.23%)
Others: 58 (3.93%)
Undervote: 48 (3.25%)
I had anticipated similar findings from my observations of the Liberty Movement. The Governor's race is hopelessly deadlocked and we should focus the remaining time and effort to the conservative down ticket races. Ryan Frazier is in dire need of assistance and his race is winnable.

Fredrick Lindner

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