This may be a stupid question but is there somewhere I can go to find out if the people running for council are Republican/Conservative or Democrat/Liberal?  I do not support any liberals and really don't want to vote for them by mistake.  Heeeeelp!

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The list sent to me in September shows the following names and parties for positions at City of Aurora ballot.  Web sites are included for candidates that flyers have been sent:


City of Aurora Mayor -- Sheilah Thomas Davis (L)
City of Aurora Mayor -- *Ryan L. Frazier (R)
City of Aurora Mayor -- Steve Hogan (R)
City of Aurora Mayor -- *Jude Sandvall (R)
City of Aurora Mayor -- Debbie Stafford (D)
City of Aurora Mayor -- Barbara Yamrick (D)
City of Aurora Ward IV -- Molly (Margaret) Markert (D)
City of Aurora Ward IV -- Adrienne Markopolos (R)
City of Aurora Ward V -- Alfonso Nunez (D)
City of Aurora Ward V -- Bob Roth (R)
City of Aurora Ward VI -- Bob Broom (R)
City of Aurora Ward VI -- Tom Coker (R)
City of Aurora Ward VI -- PK Kaiser (D)
City of Aurora Ward VI -- *Kristie McNealy (L)
City of Aurora At Large -- *James Frye (L)
City of Aurora At Large -- Debi Hunter-Holen (D)
City of Aurora At Large -- Bob LeGare (R)
City of Aurora At Large -- Brad Pierce (R)
City of Aurora At Large -- Dave Williams (R)
Folks probably should try googling for articles in recent newspapers and web sites.
Interesting article commenting on Debbie Stafford (previous District 40 state representative) and Steve Hogan.
Jude Sandvall addressed one of our meetings (perhaps April?) and explained his concerns and ideas for Aurora.  Ryan Frazier spoke at the July meeting of our group.  For everyone who missed the July meeting it was lively with an impromptu debate between Ryan Frazier and Jude Sandvall regarding the Gaylord project, tax increment financing (TIF) projects, and related matters.  There may be podcasts of local radio shows for interviews--try Grassroots Radio (KLZ 560) about the end of June or beginning of July.
Kristie McNealy has been pounding the pavement in Ward VI making her introductions at various groups and going door-to-door. 
James Frye also has been pounding the pavement.  He has been active with a concerned citizens group known as CRAG (Citizens for Responsible Aurora Government). 
A lot of the candidates are recommending a NO vote on Aurora's proposition(?) 301 (forever tax?).
* Denotes those who I remember meeting (but I am forgetful).
Refer also to web page for Aurora City Council:
I have some other names for other cities in the county and will add those when I find it.
Thanks, I appreciate their web addresses.
Thank you so much.

I should have defined "(L)" as Libertarian.  I think the (D) and the (R) are self-explanatory.  My personal observation is that the libertarians may be more fiscally conservative than many republicans. 


I am glad the web addresses are helpful.  If someone has information such as web addresses, news articles or opinion pieces, or video for any of the Aurora candidates, please add them here in the comments.


If anyone has helpful links to the ballot initiatives, please share.




For what it is worth from robo-calls received this morning:


Colorado Senator Nancy Spence (District 27) call supporting Tom Coker.

Brad Pierce is supported by Aurora Sentinel.  [note that this is a re-election campaign]




I am not sure how the Libertarians feel about illegal alien control either because don't they support more open borders?  Maybe not all of them feel that way.

Perhaps someone else will know how to answer your question.  That position is not the impression I have of the "group" but I recommend looking at the web site for information and their history which dates back to the early 1970s here in Colorado:


My observation is that there are large numbers of libertarian influenced people associated with the "tea party" or conservative groups.  Many people who consider themselves "republican" or "independent" may not be aware of how closely aligned their personal philosophy is to the libertarians.  I just saw a statistic that perhaps 16 percent of the population may have a "libertarian" philosophy.


The word "liberal" and its meaning has found numerous definitions over the years since the founding of the country.  It seems like a word that can be misinterpreted at times. 




I would like to recommend the book by Kevin Miller, who is with the Centennial Institute in Lakewood, titled Freedom Nationally, Virtue Locally, or Socialism.  It is a short book and good read that seems fitting to comment about here.






That is my observation too.  I guess as with any group they don't all think exactly alike.  I will check out that book.  Thank you.

Add Paul Tauer to the robo-calls and he is supporting Steve Hogan.


Check out this web page with photos of the Republican candidates in various races in Arapahoe County communities:


There are some links to the candidates' web sites.




The following list for various municipal elections and school districts is compiled from several sources.  I am not sure how accurate it is, but maybe it will help.


Council Dist. 1  --  Jack Walmsley   (D)
Council Dist. 1  --   Vorry Moon   (D)
Council Dist. 1  --  Sharon West   (R)
Council Dist. 2  --  Matt Jordan   (R)
Council Dist. 2   --  Keith Gardner   (D)
Council Dist. 2   --  Craig Klosterman   (R)
Council Dist. 3   --  Kenneth L. Lucas   (R)
Council Dist. 3  --  Andrea Suhaka   (U)
Council Dist. 4  --  Maclyn "Mac" Stringer   (L)
Council Dist. 4  --  Stephanie Piko   (R)
City of Englewood
Council Dist. 1  --  Joe Jefferson   (U)
Council Dist. 3  --  Laurett Barrentine   (R)
Council Dist. 3  --  Randy Penn   (D)
Council At-Large  -- Jill Wilson   (U)
Council At-Large  --  Julie A. Grazulis   (R)
Council At-Large  --  Jim Jordan   (R)
Council At-Large  --  Matthew Crabtree   (U)
Council At-Large  --  Bryan Oliver   (U)
Council At-Large  --  Bob McCaslin   (D)
Englewood School District At-Large -- Vicky Howard (D)
Englewood School District At-Large  -- Duane Tucker (D)
Englewood School District At-Large -- Thomas J. O'Connor (D)
City of Greenwood Village
Mayor  --  Ron Rakowsky
Council Dist. 1  --  Jerry Presley  (D)
Council Dist. 1  --  Denise Rose  (R)
Council Dist. 2  --  Leslie Schluter  (R)
Council Dist. 2  --  Jeff Roemer  (R)
Council Dist. 2  --  Kathleen Chapman  (D)
Council Dist. 2  --  John Herbers  (R)
Council Dist. 3  --  Gary Kramer  (D)
Council Dist. 3  --  Bette Todd  (R)
Council Dist. 4  --  Amber Pleiss  (R)
Council Dist. 4  --  T.J. Gordon  (U)
Council Dist. 4  --  Tom Bishop  (R)
City of Littleton
Council II  --  James C. Boone  (U)
Council II  --  Jerry Valdes  (R)
Council IV  --  Debbie Brinkman  (R)
At-Large  --  Peggy Cole  (U)
At-Large  --  David S. Novinger  (R)
At-Large  --  Bruce Beckman  (R)
Ward 1  --  Don Smith  (R)
Ward 1  --  R. Landau de Laguna  (D)
Ward 2  --  Chanele Beacham  (U)
Ward 3  --  Tara Beiter-Fluhr  (D)
Sheridan Public Schools District D  --  Diana Haip  (D)
Town of Bennett, Colorado
Town of Byers, Colorado
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado
Bennett School District
At-Large  --  Amy Gallagher  (U)
At-Large  --  Sandy Smith Kane  (D)
At-Large  --  Mike Sheely  (R)
At-Large  --  Carol Reszka  (D)
At-Large  --  Mary Ortiz   (R)
At-Large  --  Michael Kisting  (R)
At-Large  --  Diane Moler   (U)

Byers School District 32-J
Director  --  Henry "Woody" West  (R)
Director  --  Jerry L. Sauer   (U)
Director  --  Tom Thompson III   (U)
Director  --  Frank W. Urban   (U)
Director  --  Yvonne Olson-Sage   (U)
Deer Trail School District 26J
Director  --  John R. Price  (R)
Director  --  Randy Eldringhoff   (R)
Director  --  Kendra Boyd  (D)
Director  --  Luisa Ines Lumbano  (U)
Director  --  David R. Fisher  (D)
City of Centennial -- Council meeting October 17, 2011 
City of Englewood -- Council meeting October 17, 2011
City of Greenwood Village -- Council meeting October 17, 2011
City of Littleton -- Council meeting October 18, 2011
City of Sheridan -- Council meeting October 26, 2011
City of Aurora -- Ward Meetings
Ward V Town Meeting
October 17 -- 7 to 8 p.m.
Peace with Christ Lutheran Church 3290 S. Tower Road Aurora 80013
Please join Council Member Bob Roth for a discussion of issues and new developments within the Ward V community. Come meet and hear the Mayoral Candidates. Contact 303-739-7015 for more information. Contact 303-739-7015 for more information.
Ward IV Town Meeting
October 27 -- 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Strawberry Heather Ridge Clubhouse 2638 S. Xanadu Way Aurora 80014
Please join Council Member Molly Markert for a discussion of issues and new developments within the Ward IV community. For more information contact 303-739-7015. Contact 303-739-7015 for more information.


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