The right answers, to the wrong questions, mean nothing.

When will the GOP candidates take control of their own campaigns and stop stepping into the liberal media traps loosely called "debates" designed only to provide the left with gotcha sound bites to be used against them during what is forming up to be the most vitriolic American election that anyone alive can remember?

Stephanopoulos: Governor Romney, do you believe that states have the right to ban contraception? Or is that trumped by a constitutional right to privacy?

Romney: George, this is an unusual topic that you’re raising. States have a right to ban contraception? I can’t imagine a state banning contraception. I can’t imagine the circumstances where a state would want to do so, and if I were a governor of a state or—

...and this exchange goes on and on. 

Stephanopoulos: Should that be done in this case?

Romney: Should this be done in the case, this case to allow states to ban contraception? No. States don’t want to ban contraception. So why would we try and put it in the Constitution?

With regards to gay marriage, I’ve told you, that’s when I would amend the Constitution. Contraception, it’s working just fine, just leave it alone.

Stephanopoulos: I understand that. But you’ve given two answers to the question. Do you believe that the Supreme Court should overturn it or not?

Stephanopoulos: Do I believe the Supreme Court should overturn—

Romney: Do I believe the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade? Yes, I do.

Really?  Who cares?  The state also has the right to force everyone to drive red pick-up trucks, but does anyone think there is a state that will? No.  

The idea of having these "debates" is great.  Let us hear from the candidates.  Let's call it a forum, instead of a debate.  And by all means let's have a conservative moderator. But most importantly why don't we stick to the issues that effect the majority of Americans. 

A Republican presidential candidate that wants my vote should answer questions about gay-marriage, abortion, contraception or list of other asinine questions and irrelevant topics, something like this:

           From the American Thinker: 

Diane, we are living in a country with 9% unemployment, and let's cut the bull -- everyone knows that number doesn't include the enormous number of people who every week throw up their hands and leave the job market.  If those were added, we've got closer to 1 in 5 Americans desperately looking for good, steady work. 

We've got a record number of American families subsisting on food stamps.  We've wasted a trillion taxpayer dollars on a government stimulus that brought no substantive job growth, but added more crushing debt to the backs of our children.

We have small businesses being threatened by the specter of an ill-advised health care entitlement that was crammed down Americans' throats despite their vehement objection.  And to add to their frustration, all the folks who were clamoring and lobbying for the legislation are mysteriously all receiving waivers exempting them from its dire consequences.

For the first time in our history we have a majority of American parents who believe that their children will have things worse than they did. 

We have a housing market that's depressed, an energy crisis brewing, and a border that is unprotected to the point where American families living near it are being terrorized by invading drug lords. 

We have gas prices that are two times what they were when this president took office, and those increased fuel prices are driving up the cost of living, placing an unprecedented strain upon the American family's budget. 

We have an administration that is engaged in outright corruption -- from gun-running schemes that result in the deaths of border officers to crony capitalism that sees taxpayer dollars flushed down green energy toilets like Solyndra. 

Internationally, we have upwards of nine countries now under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood.  We have a rapidly deteriorating situation in Iraq due to our politically motivated rushed withdrawal.  Next door to that, the caliphate-obsessed, apocalyptic madmen running Iran are pursuing nuclear weapons with the promise to use them indiscriminately in their efforts to bring glory to Allah.  They are at this very moment positioned to shut down the Strait of Hormuz and thus hijack 40% of the world's oil -- bringing on an industrial crisis around the world. 

We face an increasingly hostile Chinese regime that is stealing our patents and intellectual property, hacking our computers, deploying advanced weapons systems and buying our debt so as to hold a position of economic blackmail over us. 

Meanwhile, our allies in Israel have never seen us as weaker or less reliable, and our allies in Europe are mired in an economic crisis from which they may not be able to avert total collapse. 

And at precisely such a dangerous moment in world affairs, our president -- who has been conducting social sexual experiments with our armed forces for 3 years -- decides it is the best time to dramatically slash our defense budget and usher in a vast reduction in the size and strength of the United States military.

With all that on the table, Diane, you take valuable time in this debate to ask me what I'd say to a gay couple in my living room?

What a great question.  Let me make sure I state my position on this critical issue unequivocally so that there can be no mistake, because I can't imagine any American finding anything else more significant than this: we'd first pop in a copy of the Bette Midler classic Beaches, then we'd take time to independently journal about our reaction to its message.  Then, after a good cry, we'd grab the acoustic guitar and sing a round of "We are the World" before calling it an evening.

Stop letting the leftie media set the topics and control the discussion.  The electorate needs a clear view of the options, before placing our trust and our votes into the hands of yet another man who will likely disappoint us.  But, let us make that decision based on their positions on the relevant issues.  Republicans need to take control of their own message and agenda and stop trying to appease those who won't vote for them anyway.

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