A member of the Tea Party is left to defend himself against an onslaught of Union Members

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Comment by W. Branstetter on March 13, 2011 at 3:57pm
Here is a list of videos, blog posts, and radio interview or comments on this particular event
Saturday videos
more video from Saturday from other cameras
Denver Post
Kelly Maher, video blogger at and Friday radio host at Grassroots radio for 560 KLZ:
video and comments at Peoples Press Collective
Note:  Elliot Fladen was a guest Monday (February 28, 2011) on the new Grassroots Radio Colorado show at KLZ 560 and credited training in law school for debate for his ability to remain calm.  He also voiced concerns that the various "tea party" groups really need to concentrate on the core platform and avoid social issues. 
Core platform:
1.  The Constitution
2.  Limited government
3.  Balanced budget
A St. Louis radio station ( used some of the sound clip and Dana Loesch (radio host) gave the young man 1 million "cool points."  
Comment by W. Branstetter on February 27, 2011 at 1:06pm

There is another segment where Elliott seems to have their attention and a "civil discourse."


Comment by W. Branstetter on February 26, 2011 at 8:39pm

Here is another video from the same event.


Comment by W. Branstetter on February 26, 2011 at 7:35pm

The photo that Kelly Maher of took from the west sidewalk shows the police line that formed to keep Elliott Fladen safe during this exchange.  After seeing this picture I started trying to find out who Elliott is and then got notice about the above video.  Elliott is 5'7" and he writes that this was nothing like the exchange in 2004 in Canton, OH, where it sounds like union thugs accosted him and his mother was present.  Elliott has written a few times for which is one of local grassroots blogs.



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