Chairman's Committee's Comments

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 3:09pm on April 28, 2012, Ralph H. Harrison said…

Plan to attend the May 1 meeting.  Further, I cannot find a list of current Officers or members of the Chairman's Committee on the site?  How do I reach W. Branstetter?

At 5:35pm on June 8, 2011, Murray Alex said…

The meeting was very enlightening and encouraging.  Hope to bring my wife next time, and I am working on some neighbors.


At 10:56am on September 15, 2010, billy willis said…
thank-you! when is the next chapter meeting and where? what kinda dues are excepted? and where can I find out more about the tea party movement?
Thanks a bunch!!! I'm rather excited about this!!
At 11:20pm on April 29, 2010, gail charree said…
It is nice to have a friend like Fredrick.
At 10:39pm on April 29, 2010, gail charree gave Chairman's Committee a gift
Thank you for all the help. Grace
At 8:42pm on February 1, 2010, Theresa Collins said…
Hi Fredrick. Will you be uploading the invite that Linda Hoover sent out regarding the Liberty Caucus event on Saturday? Since you posted the event, I can't add to it or change it in any way, but it might be helpful to those people who want a little more detail. Theresa
At 10:40am on December 30, 2009, Greg Meyers said…
I just read the email you sent to me and all the members of the Arapahoe Tea Party. There is a lot of great stuff in there. I checked out the commercial and the 10 minute video on the different forms of government and I would be interested in watching the DVD you mentioned. It just so happens that I completed the 5000 Year Leap last night, its a great book and should be read by all. Also the Constitutional Law class from Henry Markholzer is just what I needed.
I look forward to participating in the ATP events; just let me know where and when. Also if there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to contact me. I am willing to help in any way I can.
I have attended a caucus training class and I am running for Precinct Leader and Delegate in my precinct. I feel I need to attend that class again, there was allot of great information put out in a short period of time. Hopefully there will be more scheduled in the near future. I understand from your profile page that you are a district leader, any insight, suggestions or advice you could give me would be appreciated. I am very new to the political scene. I just couldn’t sit there and watch the country that I love dissolve right before my eyes. I had to get in the fight. We need to take back our county and the time is now.
Thank you for your leadership and all that you do.
At 11:45am on November 23, 2009, Linda J Hoover said…
Fredrick: it was great to talk with you on Saturday. Can we meet for coffee some time and chat about our group and yours, and how we might work together? I live near Grandview HS and Saddle Rock Golf Course.
At 4:53pm on September 8, 2009, Kelly said…
Oh and if you want to send me the attachment for the flyers, I can print some out myself and hand them out wherever you recommend. I also have a mom, little brother and sister, and grandmother that would be happy to help out on Saturday!
At 4:49pm on September 8, 2009, Kelly said…
I will be there for the tea party during the day. I can hand out flyers or sell whatever you want. Here is the message I got on Facebook about it:

Subject: 9-12 in Denver

The 9.12 Project Statewide Rally on September 12, 2009
No Parties, No Politics, Just Common Sense!

This Saturday WE THE PEOPLE will be rallying on the West steps of the Capitol Building in Denver, 10AM-2PM to support Common Sense solutions in conjunction with National March on DC with speakers, music & fun for entire family. Come out & remember the people we were on 9/12/2001 - it wasn't about politics or parties, it was about being an American!

Llink to list & map of parking locations:;

Primary Host: Broomfield The 9.12 Project

Supporting Groups:; Network, The 9.12 Pikes Peak Patriots, Western Slope Conservative Alliance, Loveland, Greeley, Windsor, SE Denver Metro, Fort Collins, Montrose/Delta/Ouray, South Denver, Kit Carson County, Denver Front Range, Durango, and SE Colorado The 9.12 Project groups, Hear Us Now, Northern Colorado & Southern Colorado Tea Party groups, 630 KHOW, 850 KOA, Maniac Productions Citizen Pain

Jason Lewis - KHOW 630 AM
Jon Caldara - Independence Institute
Amy Oliver - KFKA 1310 AM
Ari Armstrong - Political Writer
Eric Miller – Philanthropist
Lu Busse - The 9.12 Project Colorado
Entertainment will be provided by Citizen Pain & Rich Owen

Please remember to bring non-perishable items for our food drive. Local 9.12 & partner groups will have info tables. For questions or to volunteer 45 mins of your time to help that day, please contact:

We're hearing from 912ers & tea party patriots coming from as far away as Durango & Lamar - bus loads coming from Grand Junction, Pueblo, and Northern CO. We're presenting book, The Total Power of One, to the 912er who travels the farthest so tally the mileage from your front door to the Capitol.

Let's make this rally even bigger than the Tea Party at the Capitol on April 15th!


So from what I understood, it was a night thing going from 5:30-9:30 pm, but this message says it is from 10am-2. I have a bachelorette party to attend at 5:30 that night but I'll be there during the day so I can hand out flyers. I can make calls later in the week too.
At 5:31pm on August 25, 2009, Rita Young said…

What was the name of the website that keeps track of voting records? Was it votesmart????

Thanks, Rita

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