Review of Propoganda and Support of Dan Maes

If the last few days has purchased any new relics of wisdom, it is that no one is immune to knee slap judgments. Raise your hand if your only information you have received about the facts have been from either Peter Boyles or the Denver Post. If you look around I bet more than 50% of your hands are up. I have a somewhat unique education having taken some additional classes in high school. One of those classes was a science course called logic another was an English class called Propaganda Studies. I will take some time to break down the evidence to date and help you come to our current predicament. Eventually if everyone involved would take some time to review the full data and background in relation to the seriousness of the actual debate we could come to a far more rational understanding that we are looking at politics as usual. Dan Maes is guilty of one thing, and that is being a political novice. Tom Tancredo could be given a medal for his involvement in the complete turmoil of the governor’s race as well. You can view my letter to Tom from out site. No response from Tom yet on that one.

Exhibit One: Peter Boyles. Need I say more? This radio host through omission continuously attempts to create stories and controversy. He will not tell you the whole truth but rather the bits of story to affect your judgment. In addition to his entertainment and grandstanding Peter is heavily biased toward helping Tancredo in any capacity. I would suggest to each of you to be very cautious of the juvenile antics of this radio host. Case in point on 8/20/2010 in the third hour, you can plainly hear that Frida does not readily remember when said discussions with Dan Maes took place or upon which speak fragments of what Dan actually said. In fact Frida is quite vague about dates, times and documentation of conversations taken place in relation to money being exchanged. Using past arguments with my wife a balance I can tell you what is said and what is understood can be quite different indeed. More will be discussed with Frida later.

Exhibit Two: Anyone in Colorado over the last 10 years or more would understand this next review. The Denver Post did not report that Dan Maes was not involved with an Investigation in Kansas during the early 80’s. The Denver Post reported that the Kansas Department had no record of Dan’s involvement in the investigation. If Dan was incorrect in the description of that involvement, than we are looking at a minor grammar issue. For instance I once in the day performed armed physical security for personal and property in and outside of Denver. One of those duties included a one night over watch of the boy band Insync inside the hotel when they were in town. The Post could call the Hollywood Security Company and find no record of my involvement. What is said and understood is completely open to the reader. As to being fired I can also understand how a young brash gung-ho guy can get thrown under a Bus. We have to look no further than our own Cory Voorhis and the ICE/Ritter scandal. Dan got off lucky if he was only fired and perhaps that is why Dan offered to open up a grand jury investigation into the Voorhis case.

Exhibit Three: I will wrap it up here guys. Frida Poundstone has been involved with politics and lobbying for well over three decades. As you may recall she was heavily involved in the petitions 60, 61, and 101. Dan did not agree with her. Frida is currently working hard to see Tom Tancredo fulfill a historic tragedy in Colorado Politics. Of these facts there is no question. Now there is also the issue of money being exchanged between Dan and Frida. Take a look at the interviews of Frida on the Khow show and you will hear much of this as well. She once even replied that she was 82 years old and couldn’t remember if it was in 2009 or not. Frida then launches into a laundry list of accusations at which point Peter follows up with Dan must wear a hair piece. Peter laughs*. In later shows Peter tries to imply that Dan Maes planted a check in Frida’s purse. Not true, Dan handed her a check with multiple witnesses. P.S. Dan can’t sign the check but thought the gesture would end the debate. Dan is guilty again of being a novice.

In conclusion: The Arapahoe Tea Party will not make any changes to endorsements. The membership involved is heavily mixed with Tancredo supporters, unaffiliated swing voters, and Maes supporters. I want to take this time to thank Tom Tancredo for his attempts to burn and destroy any Coalitions that have been formed by the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party and Liberty Groups of Colorado will continue to work together throughout this election.

Fredrick Lindner

ATP Coordinator

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Comment by Keith Ulmer on September 4, 2010 at 10:17pm
Thanks for the Caplis and Silverman link, it's the second time I've heard it. But the question still remains, what will the majority independent voters do in November?I believe they are looking for character and if Dan can prove that between now and November that will be great.
Comment by Chairman's Committee on September 4, 2010 at 4:07pm
Here is the interview with Dan Maes. Dan was involved in the investigation and he handed Frida the check. The Kansas Department of Investigations records may need some updating on 20+ year old records.....
Comment by Chairman's Committee on September 4, 2010 at 3:54pm

Here's what I witnessed. After Freda's presentation to the club, Maes came over to Freda who was sitting next to me. Dan leaned down and said something in her ear -- for she is somewhat hard of hearing. He then gave her a folded check. She took it in her hands and opened the folded check. She looked at it, smiled and after several fumbling attempts, SHE PUT IT IN HER PURSE. She seemed somewhat flustered.


It's ironic that Freda sees Maes as a liar and herself as an innocent victim. Not so. Those that are familiar with Freda know how she can exaggerate, embellish, enhance and manipulate her position for her benefit. She should be under the same scrutiny as others who the media promotes as a novelty and readership generator.
Comment by Keith Ulmer on September 3, 2010 at 11:04pm
Sorry Fredrick, we are the Tea Party " Holding all Political Parties (politicians)accountable". You use the term twice "novice", is that good enough to be Governor of Colorado. All these allegations are easy to disprove and a battle with the left will bring even more. Show the mortgage payment history and that goes away. Tell Ms. Poundstone to show a bank statement, that goes away. Get the head of the police department to endorse you and that goes away. Show your tax return and that goes away. Above all acknowledge your mistakes with humility, voters know that no one is perfect, don't tell your detractors to shut up, prove them wrong.Please Fredrick step back and think this through the R-party needs the voters with the I affiliation to win, ask yourself why they are not in the party.You don't earn ethics, you prove them. Don't attack the press, remember Nixon /Clinton/Gary Hart if you haven't got much money you will need the talk show circuit to win.Please Fredrick think it through

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