Interview: Trevor Loudon on "Why Is Joel Rogers So Important to Obama's Agenda?"

Possible interest to the bigger picture...

Trevor Loudon of New Zealand discusses his (and others) efforts to identify and unlock the covert side of United States and global politics in this on-line interview with the BCast team at The recently identified character, Joel Rogers is the main subject for discussion. There are over 40,000 articles on the "wiki" site that he and other researchers have developed. Trevor indicates that his country's security is tied to the United States so there is a necessity to help awakening Americans to sort out what and who has interconnected political relationships.
The interview and BCast segment has been titled "Why Is Joel Rogers So Important to Obama's Agenda?" and is located at:
Trevor Loudon's web site is
and must see:
I recommend this item about the communist literature distributed at some of the "immigration rallies":
Also recently posted is:
Uncovered video: Key Obama Ally Joel Rogers Explains Why American Capitalism Is 'Monstrous':
Joel Rogers discussed in this segment of the BCast in "Is Obama Ally Joel Rogers the 'Wizard in the Emerald Cities?'"

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