I have always said that drugs are the largest commodity traded in the world. 
I live in Colorado and 20 years ago I worked with families to get their kids in school with having been forced into immunization.
We were fortunate in Colorado 20 years ago. Our elected officials still be belived in the rights of it's citizens. 
The law was and still is that shots are not required to enter public/private schools.
The only thing that was required was that a record of shots was given to the school upon entering.  A record could include, my child has not received any shots.  That's the record.
Although, this law is older than 20 years many schools and their districts would not allow students to enter schools with out shots.
We worked together to educate schools and districts on the law.
Still today the schools "pressure" parents to get shots.  But, enough people are informed and educated that their beliefs are not directly challenged.

The reason I am bringing this up is the recent UNICEF price listing. 

"But a combination shot for immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenza can run UNICEF $3 or more per dose. The dual vaccine against 10 or more strains of pneumococcal disease, which causes ear infections and meningitis, costs $3.50 a shot. And some of the vaccines require more than one booster shot, adding to the cost.

The cost is partly justified by the complex manufacturing process used to make combination vaccines. And UNICEF still pays far less than the $71 and $114 per dose, respectively, charged in the US for those two vaccines. But given that the organisation's mission is to immunise entire populations of at-risk children, any savings means more can be vaccinated."


"Its price list shows significant disparity, with Western drugmakers often charging UNICEF double what companies in India and Indonesia do."

Apparently, compared with other countries, UNICEF is getting ripped off. 

Want to lower our taxes?  Let's stop ripping U.S. taxpayers off. 

It is required in most states to either immunize your children or at the very least have a record of that immunization. 
Because this is a law the government must provide for these shots to the poor. 
These are our tax dollars that they are doling out to these drug companies without even getting a fair price. 

Think of the money our governments would save if we went from $71 and $114 to $5 and $10 respectively!

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