Devil's Advocate Video: Urban Renewal and TIF Financing for Littleton but other locations too

Littleton, Colorado, has a special election March 3, 2015.  Jon Caldera on the Devil's Advocate (PBS programming) interviewed a guest familiar with urban renewal and the current ballot issue 300.  It is pointed out during the program that Aurora, Westminster, and other locations have similar issues so the video may be of some interest to others.


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Comment by W. Branstetter on March 4, 2015 at 9:16am

The result of the Littleton ballot issues are written in the Denver Post, but both measures passed.

Comment by Joseph William Gabriele on February 24, 2015 at 7:47pm

It is nice to see a judge uphold the rule of law and the people's right to vote their will on this matter.

Comment by W. Branstetter on February 24, 2015 at 6:46pm

Now, the Gaylord Rockies project in Aurora is back in the news since an Adams County judge ruled that Aurora's special tax district does not meet TABOR requirements.  It seems that there was only one voter for that tax district.

Comment by Joseph William Gabriele on February 21, 2015 at 12:31pm

No apologies are necessary Wilma. You are  treasure and a fount of information without parallel. Please keep on informing us.

Comment by W. Branstetter on February 21, 2015 at 11:45am

Joseph William Gabriele,

My apologies for not knowing how to answer your question, but I live in Aurora and was only pointing out the issue and an unusual date for an ballot.  Perhaps the ballot issue is specific to Littleton, but as Jon Caldera commented in the video about instances in Westminster and other metro locations it is clear that everyone should be more informed of the actions of municipalities and other districts.

I appreciate the comment and question.


Comment by Joseph William Gabriele on February 20, 2015 at 9:47am

I called the city clerk's office this morning to ask why I had not received a ballot. I was informed that I do not live in Littleton Proper but, rather, in an unincorporated section of Jefferson County. If the current ballot issue 300 affects me, shouldn't I be allowed to vote on it?

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