This is an organization I would keep an eye and ear on.
AGree is a new food and ag policy group.
The list of names and investors is enough to raise flags.
As with everything political issue, if it looks to good to be true, then it probably is.
They seem to use the word "abroad" quite a bit. Isn't that what the Bush's were involved with in Central and South America?!?!?! HMMMM!!!! "While AGree’s scope is broad, its actions will be specific, targeted and designed for the current economic and political environment. The broad scope provides an opportunity for systematic analysis of the overall policy landscape, while not precluding opportunities for targeted interventions in specific policy areas. AGree’s efforts will work to avoid a scenario where efforts to address one part of the system results in costs to other parts. For example,
more funding for nutrition programs can come at the expense of funding for rural development; or, policies to enhance the security of farmers in the United States may take a toll on poor farmers in developing countries." (More free lunches!)
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