I don’t blame Joni Ernst for her State Of The Union Response.
She has handlers, you see—or rather, mishandlers. Exhibiting few skills and less vision, these insiders still network their way up GOP ladders. …
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on January 24, 2015 at 12:11pm — No Comments
Two innocent New York cops are dead; execution style.
Do I blame “peaceful” liberals? Well, not for directly provoking murder, as I blame the killer alone. “Society” isn’t the reason this madman ran amok. But it’s high time we hold some peaceful liberals accountable for providing a key, enabling component in today’s violent landscape. I call it, “Intellectual Cover,” and it is a terrible thing.
Intellectual Cover occurs when “smart” liberals lend their voices,…
Added by Andy Peth on December 28, 2014 at 9:00am — No Comments
If we want a successful 2016 election, the key is to start influencing people NOW. Look at 2015. Stretched out before us are 12 months for breaking through, surprising those we know with a fresh perspective. No rushing. No need to get pushy. We have all the time in the world.
To maximize that time, we at The Party Of Choice simplify politics into two camps: Choice versus Control. Selling Conservatism as Choice (which it is) while exposing…
Added by Andy Peth on December 27, 2014 at 8:49am — No Comments
For those who missed Part 1: http://tinyurl.com/pqmbphs or Part 2: http://tinyurl.com/nangft6
(Note: This article is written with great respect to Stephen Covey’s
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”)
Do you remember the movie, “Independence Day”?
Aliens were…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on October 10, 2014 at 1:27pm — No Comments
For those who missed Part 1: http://tinyurl.com/pqmbphs
(Note: This article is written with great respect to Stephen Covey’s
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”)
“But what would I say? Last time I reached out, they took advantage of me, and I get mad every time…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on October 10, 2014 at 1:23pm — No Comments
(Note: This article is written with great respect to Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”)
Here comes another November, and once again, the Right is dividing itself out of existence:
Added by Andy Peth on September 22, 2014 at 8:25pm — No Comments
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on September 20, 2014 at 11:21am — No Comments
A great injustice recently occurred in Mississippi. A GOP primary was stolen. Crafting deals with the proverbial devil, Sen. Thad Cochran secured victory for “The Establishment.”
It was ugly. …
ContinueRand Paul wants to save Detroit. After watching decades of failed Democrat governance and President Obama’s disastrous bailout, Senator Paul is proposing a Kemp-style fix through his “Freedom Plan.”
Quoting Senator Paul on Sean Hannity’s show:
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on December 8, 2013 at 3:34pm — 2 Comments
I watched “Hannity” for a while the other night. A very depressing show. No, there weren’t any flood victims or post mortems on Detroit, as these would actually seem uplifting by comparison. Flooded communities can rebuild. Detroit can bulldoze its neighborhoods so there will be…well…fewer Detroit neighborhoods. And of course, those stories feature great heroism and charity, like volunteers delivering truckloads of food to New Orleans, or unsung bulldozer operators erasing decades of…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on September 15, 2013 at 3:47pm — 2 Comments
My name is Andy, and I’ve lost jobs.
Have you been there too? Then you know all the emotions:
The shock of having that place where people bonded with you and counted on you suddenly torn out of your life.
Conservatives today often call for “Principled Candidates” who draw “real contrasts” between us and the Left. I couldn’t agree more.
But how do we draw contrasts when the audience doesn’t share our principles?
The Viewpoint of Becky
For a moment, I want you to stop being like me; stop being a Conservative political junkie. Taking a step outside your well-informed bubble,…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on May 17, 2013 at 10:44am — 2 Comments
The Search
It appears that last week’s horrors provided another of our President’s “teachable moments,” because I learned something. I truly did. I learned that the Left searches more for “Conservative” killers than evolutionists search for missing links. At one point, I swore I saw Leftists patching mismatched fossils together, labeling their discovery “Piltdown Tax Day Assailant.” (For those non-science-buffs out there, just ignore me and…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on April 24, 2013 at 8:17pm — No Comments
This is no article. This is a rant. I am really angry, folks.
On Wednesday, while in Denver touting gun control legislation, President Obama said the following:
“You hear some of these quotes: ‘I need a gun to protect myself from the government.’ ‘We can't do background checks because the government is going to come take my guns away.’
Well, the government is us. These officials are…
Over the past year, I’ve had times when I was angry with people on the Right. A few examples are:
Added by Andy Peth on March 17, 2013 at 5:36pm — No Comments
Have you noticed how many people are fleeing places like Detroit and California? Some evacuees are Conservatives, who bolt from failed experiments where success is punished. But many are Liberals. And with reliably Democrat votes, these Leftists swarm like locusts into neighboring states.
Conservatives often wonder, “If they run from failure, can’t they reject it? Don’t they see the wreckage left by their policies? Why don’t they learn?”
Here’s the…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on March 11, 2013 at 8:46pm — No Comments
Let me address my fellow Christian Conservatives.
Have you noticed that many Conservatives blame us for political losses? I hear it all the time: “If the Christians would just shut up about social issues, we’d have a chance!” Well, they’re wrong—but not fully. Fact is, every group within Conservatism has made mistakes, and we are no different.
The problem isn’t our values, but rather our attempts to limit opposing…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on February 28, 2013 at 9:36pm — 4 Comments
Since Tuesday's disaster, I've heard a lot of complaining. Hopeless or enraged, Republicans are proclaiming the end of all things--and everyone's got their favorite scapegoats. Well, I strongly disagree with them--all of them. Let me clear up a few misconceptions:…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on November 8, 2012 at 7:48pm — 5 Comments
I believe Mitt Romney will win this Tuesday. We’ve all worked so hard, and I’m confident it will happen.
But maybe not. This is a close election, after all.
Up until recently, I shared the opinion of many Republicans, which was, “If we lose this election, all hope is lost. Looking at the deficit or the Supreme Court or Obamacare or our borders, etc., etc., the damage of another Obama term will put our nation…
ContinueAdded by Andy Peth on November 5, 2012 at 8:25pm — 3 Comments
Like many Americans, I am donating to the recovery efforts for "Perfect Storm" Sandy, and I recommend we all give what we can. I also salute the actions of both presidential candidates, as each has performed well in his position under the circumstances. Their example, along with our united response, can bring hope to the Northeast.
Some estimate the damage to be around $25 Billion, though this number will likely rise. But let's look at that amount, shall we? Let's get some…
Added by Andy Peth on November 1, 2012 at 7:41pm — 1 Comment
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