We packed up a trailer, rented a big red truck and carted Josh's
bedroom set to Dallas for Aiden. We took two days down with equal time for the
For fun on the way down and to make the time pass , Smith and I wanted to make
the best of a long trip, using it as an opportunity to continue our grassroots
protest. We flew a full sized yellow Gadsden "Don't tread on me " flag from
Denver to Dallas. Also duck taped a poster size handmade sign on the back that
said, "Obama ruining our country". It was hysterical. I kept a tally of all
the yeas and nays. Only 3 negatives all the way from to Dallas and back. Lots
of people giving thumbs up in support, honking, waving and cheering us on.
Getting gas was especially rewarding. People came out of their cars to shake
our hands and pat us on the back.....all anxious to tell of their
frustrations, share jokes. Small business men were worried. Mostly, they were
just relieved that there are like minded people out there. Some said they were
going to put similar posters on their cars (which was really our intent). It
was fun...suddenly we were freedom fighters and as we parted ways and returned
to our cars and trucks we told them they were patriots and as they smiled and
gave us one last wave goodbye, we could see that they were empowered.
Ahhhhh....we love the grassroots movement.
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