Congratualations to Fred Lindner for standing up and taking charge of the group at today's Arpahoe County Republican Assembly.  Congratulations also to Gary Marshall for agreeing to stand for election as the Republican candidate for  Colorado House District 36.  I look forward to opportunities to help in any way I can as I am called upon.


Jay Hughes

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Thank you Jay

Since I became politically active almost a year ago, I decided to step into whatever roll I could to further raise the attention to fiscal issues at hand that so threaten our great nation. It was an exiting afternoon and I will do my best to be a proactive and reasonable force for change in Colorado.

Fredrick Lindner
Yes, thank you Fredrick. We appreciate your involvement. I hope we can get Gary Marshall the win this November!!
As it turns out the actual Chairman, Jim Parker, was not able to attend the Assembly so I was only needed to conduct the remainder of the meeting. I due hope that Mr. Parker gets involved with this race however due to what I have observed will not hold my breath. I will continue to assist Gary Marshall's candidacy to defeat the liberal Su Ryden and look forward to November.

Fredrick Lindner
ATP Coordinator


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