Rob Natelson Analysis of Supreme Court Decisions on Podcasts

Note that this item will be updated with additional podcasts from other radio programs.

Recommended listening both podcasts:
For now on the subject of podcasts, I will offer the ones from the Amy Oliver radio show on Greeley 1310 KFKA. The show runs 9-11 a.m. daily and Rob Natelson has been featured on the first Tuesday of each month fo
r several years discussing Supreme Court decisions or legal issues of various sorts that may be in the recent news.

July 1 the entire show weaves various tidbits of history and previous rulings into each of the cases discussed and the Hobby Lobby and PPACA  ("Obamacare") rulings are discussed in several places in that hour. But keep in mind that he starts to identify pitfalls with the Hobby Lobby ruling and one of those another court used to make a ruling after July 1.

Wednesday, July 9, Rob Natelson was back on with Amy to update because the justices had made a subsequent ruling that affected the Hobby Lobby case and the case after July 1 of the other court. I am now listening to this one again to find out if he talks about the uproar with legislators (i.e., Mark Udall); I think so but it could be a different program on KLZ 560. I think Rob Natelson was on for the second half-hour of the 9-10 a.m. portion July 9. [You may want to listen for the first part and maybe get the second hour podcast to hear what is said about the resignations at the Colorado Assoc. of Home Builders because of the Polis and "fracking" initiatives etc.]

Greeley radio 1310 KFKA can sometimes be heard in the metro area but I listen via:

This second Supreme Court ruling that Rob Natelson talks about on July 9 that affected Wheaton College. He does explain some of the ways the congress has gone about making changes to the rulings of the court. [Note that Rob says "Whitier College" but on another show he said "Wheaton".]

An article for some background on the Wheaton College situation:

More information from Rob Natelson can be found at:

I know that is lengthy but there is more in podcasts on other radio shows that I will try to find and add here later.

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