Then, as if Slavery and the Founding Fathers wasn't enough to interrupt my hockey game and require an extra glass of wine, my wonderful but misguided Liberal friend wrote that the House repeal of Obamacare was a showboat act that will backfire in the next election. I had to point out:


Your original comment said nothing about the content of Obamacare. You criticized (no, name-called as stupid) principled Conservatives for keeping a promise, being responsive to their constituents, and taking the first step of many to come while the word gets out about this bloated mess you so heartily support.


Regarding content, I'm reading the bill. It can't be "fixed." And why would you want to tinker around the edges of 2409 pages that create over 150 new agencies, thousands of new positions of authority, and will require tens if not hundreds of thousands of pages of regulation, written by unelected bureaucrats, to implement its broad reach?


Your two extreme examples are misleading, rare and, while touching, are irrelevant to the damage this bill will do to the vast majority of over 300 million Americans, their individual health care, their economic well-being and, most importantly, their freedom. Take a look at SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid if you don't think rejections of claims, poor quality services, poor decisions and two-plus year waits on appeals during which no services or benefits are provided aren't built in, by its nature, to Obamacare.


This is a constitutional republic, with a defined, limited federal government of enumerated powers. Obamacare is an unconstitutional fluke of history. It, and the way it was foisted upon an unsuspecting and immediately resistant nation, single-handedly created a political awakening unlike any I've seen or read about in our history. And I do not believe the constitutional conservatives in power today will allow the Republicans to mess this one up.

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