More on Obamacare-Debate With a Teenager Who Likes the Sound of It



It's nice to see a young person engaging and caring about his country and his future. I hope that is the reason you are commenting.

For you, a couple of points. Obamacare is not a perjorative. People on both sides of the issue use the term because it succinctly identifies the topic. It is Obama's signature legislation, and it regulates health care. People who love the Act call it Obamacare, as do the rest of us.

Second, repeal of Obamacare would not suddenly leave 10 million children without health care. Charities, hospitals, government programs and agencies, private health insurance and private citizens who pay for their own or their children's health services would not suddenly disappear.

Nor will the repeal of Obamacare be done in a vacuum. Medicare, Medicaid, SSDI, State welfare programs, etc. aren't going anywhere (well, except for the fact that they are "going" broke!). And, proponents of repeal have excellent, understandable and affordable proposals for providing a safety net for the poor, protecting those with pre-existing conditions, lowering costs and increasing choices, all within the free market which is the foundation of our tremendous success as a nation.

Obamacare was passed over the objection of a vocal majority of citizens with backdoor deals and blatant, objectively provable lies. We were told it would lower costs. It doesn't. We could keep our health plans and doctors if we liked them. We can't. We would like it once we started to learn what was in it. We don't. And on and on....

Most fundamentally, if allowed to stand, we will now be told what type of insurance plans we are able to buy AND that we HAVE TO buy them. Over 16,000 IRS agents are included in Obamacare (guess how many hospitals, doctors and nurses?, zero!) to find and fine anyone who doesn't buy the government approved plan.

Fortunately, our Constitution does not approve of or permit an ever-expanding, power-grabbing, liberty-robbing federal government. Neither should you.

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