$1 Million Bounty to be Raised and Offered for Information on IRS, etc.--Support Welcomed

Catharine Engelbrecht, founder of True The Vote, announced on Megyn Kelly's show on FOX News a project to raise $1 million (via crowd-funding donations) to offer as a bounty--a reward--for person(s) to step forward as whistleblowers in IRS or other agencies who have information (and documents) that clarify what is truly going on with citizen targeting by the organizations or government officials.

It seems like an excellent idea since people called before Congressional committees do not seem to answer truthfully or provide the promised documents on any topic.

The Blaze has an article about the announcement that identifies: "Gregg Phillips, the managing director for The Voters Trust, a political nonprofit 501 (c)(4) which was established to identify and mobilize Americans, told TheBlaze on Wednesday “that this is the people’s bounty to seek the truth.”"


The link to the web site for either donations for the cause or to submit citizen stories or government agency(ies) information:


The video from The Kelly File interview with Catharine Engelbrecht:


Crowd funding is now being used to fund movies and documentaries, raise funds for Hollywood whackos who just got caught by James O'Keefe's latest "sting" project, and now a project like this. In my opinion, this effort may be just as important as crowd-sourcing FrackNation, 2016, Gosnell movie, and many other documentaries. Even if the project only collects the stories of organizations that closed down because of IRS targeting or collects stories of citizens who have been targeted by so many agencies and lost their money or property or liberty--it will be worthwhile. Support the project if you can.

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