Time: September 27, 2010 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: McCabe's Bistro at Southlands Mall (Aurora)
Street: 6100 S. Main Street #104
City/Town: Aurora, Colorado 80016
Website or Map: http://www.mccabesbistroandpu…
Event Type: training
Organized By: South East Aurora Republicans [posted by W. Branstetter]
Latest Activity: Sep 23, 2010
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[Note: This event is sponsored by the South East Aurora Republicans which regularly meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at McCabe's Bistro.]
Precinct Leader Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Training -- Monday Night Gathering
I'd like to invite you to a training session for any Arapahoe County precinct leader or anyone interested in volunteering on Monday, September 27th at 6 p.m. at McCabe's Restaurant at the Southlands Mall. This will be to augment the training provided at the Central Committee Meeting on September 25th.
We will be covering the Get Out The Vote effort and how to distribute the sample ballot, use the database, and conduct poll watching. Also, State Representative David Balmer will speak briefly.
Please note....this is slightly later than our normal Monday Night Gathering. We will start at 6pm with formal training starting closer to 6:30pm.
The above information was copied from a notice received by Wilma Branstetter, who attended one of their events a month or so ago. South East Aurora Republicans seems to be a small but vibrant group. They can be found on Facebook.
Web page fpr McCabe's, which is near the movie theater complex at Southlands Mall:
map at: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&cid=0,0,18243611201177757456&fb=1&hq=mccabes+southlands&hnear=Denver,+CO&gl=us&daddr=6100+S.+Main+Street+%23104,+Aurora,+CO+80016&geocode=11369704588702073702,39.605828,-104.708944&ei=pQOcTOHwJY30swOn9anyCA&ved=0CBkQngIwAQ&z=16
source: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155292147828025
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