Pledge to read the Declaration of Independence [Hillsdale College]

Event Details

Pledge to read the Declaration of Independence [Hillsdale College]

Time: June 29, 2013 to July 4, 2013
Location: Anywhere
Street: local
City/Town: anywhere
Website or Map: https://www.readthedeclaratio…
Event Type: pledge to read declaration of independence
Organized By: Hillsdale College [posted by W. Branstetter]
Latest Activity: Jul 4, 2013

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Event Description

Hillsdale College has been promoting a pledge to read the "Declaration of Independence" on the 4th of July.  Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin have been promoting this endeavor on their radio programs.


The web site allows a download of the Declaration of Independence (image and text) for no contribution to Hillsdale College, but if you choose to make donations there are other items they offer.  The contributions do help with the funding that allows the college to offer on-line resources to study the Constitution and history--great programs offered in recent years.


Think about the pledge and joining this effort to bring awareness of the importance of this document.




Additional note:  Tune in to KLZ 560 Grassroots Radio Colorado (5-7 p.m.) for the Dr. Thomas Krannawitter discussion at 6:00 p.m. on July 4 on the Declaration of Independence.  There is a lot about the document and the men that is not taught in school.


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Comment by Theresa Collins on July 4, 2013 at 1:57pm

God Bless America. 

Comment by W. Branstetter on June 30, 2013 at 10:05pm

There is a good video on this page that people might want to view regarding the Declaration of Independence:

Attending (2)

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