Colorado Conservatives Meeting: Matt Crane and Dave Walcher et al.

Event Details

Colorado Conservatives Meeting:  Matt Crane and Dave Walcher et al.

Time: September 24, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9pm
Location: Las Brisas
Street: 6787 S. Clinton Street
City/Town: Greenwood Village, CO
Website or Map:
Phone: Please RSVP to
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Nancy Doty [posted by W. Branstetter]
Latest Activity: Sep 18, 2014

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Event Description

Nancy Doty writes:

"When:    Wednesday, September 24th, 2014
Time:     6:30 p.m.
Where:  Las Brisas
              6787 S. Clinton Street, Greenwood Village, CO
Please join us to hear from candidates on the 2014 November ballot.  Matt Crane and Dave Walcher are both facing their first election this November.
Matt Crane, Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder, will discuss the impact of HB1303 which requires all mail ballot elections.  Also, Colorado residents can now register to vote and cast a ballot on the same day... How does this impact the integrity of our elections?...In order to win state wide offices, Arapahoe County is a must win for Republicans.
Sheriff Dave Walcher is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in Arapahoe County.  He is responsible for ensuring that Arapahoe County continues to be a safe place to raise families, conduct business and enjoy life.  He will discuss the County's partnership with the City of Centennial, the Prescription Drug Take Back Program, and a recent phone scam from individuals claiming to be law enforcement officers from the Sheriff's Office.
Several other candidates will have representatives speaking on their behalf.
This November's election is one of the most important in our state's history. ...Remember-elections have consequences!
Please note that we now meet at Las Brisas!  Everyone is welcome!  
Also, there is a $10 cover charge which includes a taco bar buffet (includes dessert).  Alcoholic beverages can be purchased at a separate cash bar.
Please rsvp to by Monday, September 22nd so the restaurant can adequately plan for our group."


Note Las Brisas web site:



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