Time: September 26, 2012 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Doubletree Hotel (Aurora), Fitzgerald's Restaurant
Street: 13696 East Iliff Place
City/Town: Aurora, Colorado
Website or Map: http://www.cragaurora.com
Event Type: c.r.a.g., aurora, monthly meeting
Organized By: Jim Frye [posted by W. Branstetter]
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2012
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CRAG-Citizens For Responsible Aurora Government
Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 7:00 PM
Doubletree Hotel 13696 E. Iliff Place
Fitzgerald's Restaurant, on 2nd tier
Aurora, CO (map)
Learn about the Tax Mill Levy Extension that City Council has placed on the ballot and what you can do to help defeat this latest attempt to extract more money from Aurora taxpayers.
Citizens for Responsible Aurora Government (CRAG) is a citizens group dedicated to accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility in the city of Aurora, Colorado.
Recent projects: Council Retirement Pay, Red Light Camera Investigation, Public Safety Negotiations, Opposed 2009 property tax increase, Aurora employee salary structure exposé, Exposed 2010 Lend Lease Tax, Tax Increment Financing Giveaway, GID Mission Viejo, GE's PrimeStar, Three New Taxes, Gaylord Game, Mission Viejo GID, and more . . . .
CRAG continues to grow, so we have a new meeting place. Join us at the Doubletree Hotel, in the Fitzgerald restaurant, up on the second tier.
There are many projects to work on, so come and join us. - Fourth Wednesday - 7pm - Doubletree Hotel - 13696 East Iliff Place, Aurora, Colorado
It has been several months since I had an opportunity to attend one of these meetings. The group generally is checking on city projects and expenditures and possible civil liberties issues. They have several people watching the city council meetings. It is a small group and I post their meetings when I can in case someone has an interest to get involved in some way.
Maintenance of roads is typically a responsibility of a city after developers construct them. I have not been paying close attention to what Aurora is doing but I am starting to hear some rumblings for different things.
I go and listen and sometimes have a comment.
Just read the article and don't see the reason to appose this. Care to elaborate on why the city is not responsible for our public buildings, roads, and bikepaths? I would also like to attend to see what projects that the city has in mind for the money or if the money is only directed to the general fund.
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